Business Spotlight
A Corporate Day with a Difference 

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In this issue
Purple Flag Self-Assessment
Cork Chamber Submission on the Cork City Centre Movement Strategy
Subsidised Training
Would you love to have an EMPTY INBOX at the end of each day??
Cork Chamber Summer BBQ at Fota Wildlife Park
A Morning of Networking with UK Business Delegation
Business Breakfast with Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute
E-Commerce in China for Irish SMEs
Give your Advice to EC
Cork delegation to China
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   2015 Forum a Huge Success 

Over 200 business people attended Cork Chamber’s 2015  Forum, where superb leaders shared their stories and gave practical examples of leadership in their businesses.  

Fascinating insights where shared and attendees were empowered in how to effectively interact with different personality types. 

See photo gallery and check out presentations.  

Thank you to our event sponsor Laya Healthcare. 

Cork Chamber Summer BBQ at Fota Wildlife Park
Date: Thursday, 18th June 2015
Time: 17:30 - 19:30
Venue: Fota Wildlife Park
Cost: Free to Cork Chamber members
To book: here

Cork Chamber will partner with Fota Wildlife Park, Cork’s most visited attraction to host a Summer BBQ Thursday 18th June. Fota Wildlife Park will open it’s gates to Chamber members for an evening of networking, wildlife-spotting, BBQing and meeting some new friends of the four-legged variety!

Guests will have an opportunity to view the much-anticipated Asian Sanctuary which is the creation of a whole new area at the park covering 27 acres which will make the park 97 acres in size upon completion. The Asian sanctuary focuses on some of the most endangered animals in the world all of whom are from south east Asia. So far it is home to the Sumatran Tigers, Visayan Spotted Deer, Visayan Warty Pig and Lion tailed macaques. This summer Fota Wildlife Park will also be introducing the magnificent Indian Rhino to the public.

This will be an event with a difference, so don’t miss your opportunity to view first-hand the fantasic growth of the Park, as well as all of the exciting & exotic animals which truly makes Fota Wildlife Park a fantastic place to visit and re-visit.

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A Morning of Networking with UK Business Delegation

Including a breakfast briefing featuring guest-speaker Naomi Fein, CEO of Think Visual

The EEN at Cork Chamber is offering local businesses the opportunity to meet a UK business delegation led by the EEN from the Midlands (UK) on Wednesday 24th June in the Clarion Hotel. 

The morning will begin with a breakfast briefing, where Cork companies will have the opportunity to meet and network with the UK visitors.  Guest speaker at the breakfast will be Naomi Fein, CEO and lead graphic harvester of Think Visual.  Naomi will address the idea of creative thinking and visual communication as a means of crossing inter-cultural barriers, which is particularly relevant for businesses that are targeting new markets.


Following the breakfast briefing, there will be an opportunity to take part in a B2B matchmaking session with the visiting UK delegates, where companies will be able to explore potential synergies through 1:1 meetings.  These meetings must be booked in advance.  See “read more” for a full speaker biography and a list of the visiting UK companies.

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Business Breakfast with Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute

Date: Thursday 25th June
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Clarion Hotel
Cost: €25 members / €35 non members
Book: here

Cork Chamber is proud to announce Dr Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute as the guest speaker for the June Business Breakfast on Thursday 25th June in the Clarion Hotel.

The Blue Economy is seen as hugely important for the island of Ireland and Cork is naturally well positioned to reap the benefits of this growth, boasting the second largest natural harbour in the world. With Cork being the location of choice for the very first national maritime festival (SeaFest) in July of this year, Peter Heffernan will talk about why Cork was chosen as the host for this high-profile event

to secure your place

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E-Commerce in China for Irish SMEs

Date: Tuesday 30th June
Location: River Lee Hotel
Time: 09.00-11.00
Book: here

The Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber and the EU SME Centre in China will be jointly hosting a seminar on Tuesday 30th June on the theme of e-commerce in China. Expert presenter Pablo Recio Gracia will talk through some of the key themes to be aware of, including: Internet and social media in China; Exclusive online sales, Knowing the Chinese consumer – behaviour and demand; Pricing and payment methods etc. This is an excellent opportunity to hear first-hand from an experienced expert about the pros and cons of online trading in China.  Book here or for more information contact Katherine.


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Purple Flag Self-Assessment

The Cork City Purple Flag application is well underway with the final submission date fast approaching. The completed document will be submitted to Purple Flag Ireland for the 10th July 2015.  As part of the application process, the Cork City Purple Flag Self-Assessment took place last Friday the 5th of June and was carried out by members of the Purple Flag steering group. This was very successful and aimed at reviewing and assessing the Wellbeing, Movement, Appeal and Place within the Cork city centre area. The final Cork City Purple Flag assessment will take place in August and will involve an external Purple Flag Ireland assessor. 

Cork Chamber are delighted to be leading and funding this City Centre initiative with the process adopting a multi-stakeholder approach incorporating City Centre business owners, An Garda Siochana, Cork City Council, various Traders Associations and volunteer groups, to name but a few.

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Cork Chamber Submission on the Cork City Centre Movement Strategy

On Friday, Cork Chamber made a submission to Cork City Council as part of the recent City Centre Movement Strategy Consultation on the Phase 1 and 2 developments of this strategy. Phase 1 and 2 will include works to facilitate enhanced movement of traffic around the Washington street/Grenville Place/Batchelor’s Quay areas and also introduce a restriction of vehicles using St Patrick’s Street with the exception of buses and taxis at certain times of the day.

In this submission, Cork Chamber welcomed the strategy in principle and its focus on enhancing the city centre’s shopping and commercial environment.  However, the Chamber also outlined a number of concerns regarding the impact of some of the proposals, especially those outlined in Phase 1 in relation to the restriction of private vehicle access to Patricks Street at peak times. In light of this we believe that there are a number of outstanding issues and challenges which must be addressed prior to the finalisation of the strategy to ensure its optimum implementation. To see the Chamber’s submission please click here.


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Subsidised Training
Would you love to have an EMPTY INBOX at the end of each day??

Free yourself from unnecessary interruptions and distractions with our Personal Productivity using MS Outlook courserunning on the 24th June next. Manage and prioritise your workload effectively and efficiently!

We also have a band new course coming up, InDesign Essentials – perfect for anyone who wants to create documents such as ads, flyers, brochures or newsletters. Running the 6th & 7th July next! 

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Give your Advice to EC

You are invited to share your experiences and views with the European Commission (EC) on the process of applying for Preferential Origin status. The EC recognises that the process of applying for Preferential Origin status can be often quite burdensome for some companies and that numerous companies find it more cost effective to pay full duties than allocating resources to fulfil the administrative obligations associated with preferential trade agreements.

The EC is looking for your advice on how the system can be simplified and improved. If you are interested in helping with future developments on this issue please send your details to Imelda 

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Cork delegation to China

Cork Chamber will be bringing a business delegation to China this autumn as part of a wider Cork group that will include representatives from the civic, business, tourism, culture and education sectors. The trip, which will take place w/c 19th October, is being organised as part of the celebrations to mark the 10 year anniversary of the twinning of Cork and Shanghai.

Business delegates will have the opportunity to meet with a number of important Chinese and Irish contacts in China (Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuxi) and to learn more about the Chinese business environment and culture. Please email Katherine with any expressions of interest or for more information.

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World Chambers Congress 2015, Torino

Cork Chamber is delighted to represent members at this years 2015 World Chambers Congress. At this three day international forum chamber leaders will share best-practice experiences, exchange insights, develop networks, address the latest business issues affecting their communities, and learn about new areas of innovation from chambers around the world.  

Cork Chamber has been selected as one of the finalists in the category “Best advocacy project” for the policy and lobbying work on securing Tier-1 International Connectivity.

Members can follow activities at the World Chamber Congress on Twitter using #9WCC. 

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Members Offers
€10 Off Your First Order
Period of the offer available: 31.12.2015

Cork based Green Lamb have launched a new ladies fitness clothing brand with supermodel Jodie Kidd. Perfect for the gym, yoga or running, the collection is available to purchase now and  we are delighted to offer members €10 Off Plus Free Delivery on your first order. Use code: GLEUROTEN at checkout here
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Member Events
Jumping in the City Series

Date: 12th June
Venue: Cork Greyhound Stadium
Cost: €15
To book: Can be booked online here or by calling 1890 269 969. Tickets can also be purchased at the gate with free tickets for all children under 14 years. Students and OAP’s €10.

Top international show jumpers including Olympic champion Cian O’Connor and Cork’s own Billy Twomey come to Cork as part of The Underwriting Exchange Limited’s Jumping in the City series taking place at Cork Greyhound Stadium on the 12th of June. 
Free parking will be available at Cork Greyhound Stadium. 

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Golf Classic in aid of the Cork Association for Autism

Date: Thursday June 18th 
Time: 8.30am-5.30pm
Venue: Mahon Golf Club
Cost: €150 per team of three- 3 Ball Better Ball Format
To book: Book your place on the timesheet by calling the Cork Association for Autism office on 021 453 3642

A charity golf classic will take place at Mahon Golf Club on June 18th which is being kindly sponsored by Right Price Tiles. The Cork Association for Autism who will benefit from the proceeds provide residential, respite, home support, day service and an Asperger Syndrome Support Service to 250 adults on the autistic spectrum. Funds raised will go towards building a new Day Service Centre in Mogeely which is costing €300,000 to build and is due to be open by September 2015.

 For more information call 021 453 3642 or visit the CAA website 

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