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Purple Flag Self-Assessment
Cork Chamber Submission on the Cork City Centre Movement Strategy
Subsidised Training
Would you love to have an EMPTY INBOX at the end of each day??
Cork Chamber Summer BBQ at Fota Wildlife Park
A Morning of Networking with UK Business Delegation
Business Breakfast with Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute
E-Commerce in China for Irish SMEs
Give your Advice to EC
Cork delegation to China
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Give your Advice to EC

You are invited to share your experiences and views with the European Commission (EC) on the process of applying for Preferential Origin status. The EC recognises that the process of applying for Preferential Origin status can be often quite burdensome for some companies and that numerous companies find it more cost effective to pay full duties than allocating resources to fulfil the administrative obligations associated with preferential trade agreements.

The EC is looking for your advice on how the system can be simplified and improved. If you are interested in helping with future developments on this issue please send your details to Imelda 

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