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Purple Flag Self-Assessment
Cork Chamber Submission on the Cork City Centre Movement Strategy
Subsidised Training
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Cork Chamber Summer BBQ at Fota Wildlife Park
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Purple Flag Self-Assessment

The Cork City Purple Flag application is well underway with the final submission date fast approaching. The completed document will be submitted to Purple Flag Ireland for the 10th July 2015.  As part of the application process, the Cork City Purple Flag Self-Assessment took place last Friday the 5th of June and was carried out by members of the Purple Flag steering group. This was very successful and aimed at reviewing and assessing the Wellbeing, Movement, Appeal and Place within the Cork city centre area. The final Cork City Purple Flag assessment will take place in August and will involve an external Purple Flag Ireland assessor. 

Cork Chamber are delighted to be leading and funding this City Centre initiative with the process adopting a multi-stakeholder approach incorporating City Centre business owners, An Garda Siochana, Cork City Council, various Traders Associations and volunteer groups, to name but a few.

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