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Cork Chamber Submission on the Cork City Centre Movement Strategy

On Friday, Cork Chamber made a submission to Cork City Council as part of the recent City Centre Movement Strategy Consultation on the Phase 1 and 2 developments of this strategy. Phase 1 and 2 will include works to facilitate enhanced movement of traffic around the Washington street/Grenville Place/Batchelor’s Quay areas and also introduce a restriction of vehicles using St Patrick’s Street with the exception of buses and taxis at certain times of the day.

In this submission, Cork Chamber welcomed the strategy in principle and its focus on enhancing the city centre’s shopping and commercial environment.  However, the Chamber also outlined a number of concerns regarding the impact of some of the proposals, especially those outlined in Phase 1 in relation to the restriction of private vehicle access to Patricks Street at peak times. In light of this we believe that there are a number of outstanding issues and challenges which must be addressed prior to the finalisation of the strategy to ensure its optimum implementation. To see the Chamber’s submission please click here.


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