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Jim Breen Cycle Against Suicide
Jim Breen founded Cycle Against Suicide in 2012. Cycle Against Suicide was created as an awareness raising campaign, encouraging help seeking behaviours.Since 2012, Cycle Against Suicide has grown exponentially and in 2015 Jim decided to take on another project in the form of The Run Against Suicide.On the 30th March 2015, Jim Breen set off from Phoenix Park to run around the island of Ireland over four weeks and covering 1,400kms.The main aims of the Run are to promote the upcoming event of Cycle Against Suicide; to recruit volunteers and homestay providers; and to expand existing relationships with schools, prisons, local media and mental health organisations.

The Cycle is aimed to help raise awareness for the supports available for suicide prevention on the island of Ireland and promote the message 'it's ok not to feel ok and it's absolutely ok to ask for help'. The Cycle Against Suicide sees thousands of cyclists in a sea of orange cycle around the island of Ireland over 14 days.  Jim will be calling into MSL Cork on Tuesday 7th April at 5pm to talk to MSL Cork employees and other local businesses from around the area about mental health with a view to spreading the message that ‘it’s ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help’.Once Jim has completed The Run on Sunday 26th April in Belfast, he will be getting on a bike and begin the Cycle Against Suicide the following day, Monday 27th April.
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