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Is Your Business Energy-Aware?

Is your business energy-aware?

Using energy efficiently helps organisations to save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. The European Commission is encouraging SMEs to become more energy-aware and thereby contribute to the overall reduction of energy consumption, as well as promoting the development and uptake of innovative new technologies in the energy sector.  One way of making your business more energy aware is by implementing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

On 22 April the Enterprise Europe Network, in association with Energia, is hosting an informative workshop on the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.  The workshop will take place in Cork Chamber from 9.30am-12pm.  For more information contact

ISO50001 Workshop - How to implement an energy management system

The new ISO 50001 Energy Management standard will help you to improve energy performance, cut costs and meet your customer expectations. Energy Management Systems can help your company to put in place systems which ensure continuous improvement in your energy performance. This can then reduce your energy costs and carbon emissions. ISO 50001 puts in place a structured framework for the supply, use and consumption of energy in industrial, commercial and institutional companies.

This half-day workshop will cover the following:

  • Introduction to ISO50001 - Background
  • Comparison to other ISO standards – 14001/18001/EMAS
  • ISO50001 guidelines
  • How to develop an energy policy – sample given
  • How to establish an implementation team and who does what!
  • How to conduct an initial energy review
  • What are the costs and time commitments for certification?
  • How to set up and implement an energy reduction/improvement programme
  • Implementation and project grant aid  - what’s available and how to apply?

About the trainer:

P.J. Henry is a qualified energy consultant engineer, who has many years’ experience working in the multinational sector such as Abbott, Wyeth, Braun etc. and currently provides training seminars and energy audits to various companies around Ireland. P.J. is also a qualified BER (Building Energy Rating) consultant and ISO 50001 energy management systems lead auditor. PJ has experience in real world implementation of management systems and will share his wealth of practical experience in showing you how to put systems in place in an efficient manner. 


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