In this issue
Minister for Finance Export Survey
Subsidised Training
Get the Know-How!
Women in Leadership
Is Your Business Energy-Aware?
Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub
Cork Chamber April Business Breakfast
Exporters take note
Partner search for EU funded project on 3D-animation and UI-Design
Member Updates
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Minister for Finance Export Survey

In Budget 2015 the Government committed to rolling out an Integrated Export Finance Strategy to support SME’s. In order to ensure that best practice is followed and that this integrated policy is based on clear evidence from the market the Department of Finance and Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation are seeking your input to this process by Friday 17th April 2015. Please click here to read a letter from Minister for Finance Michael Noonan regarding the survey the Departments are conducting on the Export Finance Strategy. The survey can be accessed here.   

Subsidised Training
Get the Know-How!

How to manage people

How to build your team

How to drive their performance

Certificate in Supervisory Management Course
, starting on 14th April next:

  • Build & engage effective teams
  • Determine & delegate workload
  • Direct & Drive Performance
  • Identify best practices

P.S.! Jazz up your presentations with Prezi Presentation Skills! This half-day course is running on the 8th April next, don’t miss this opportunity to turn your presentation into something your audience won’t forget!!


Course Date: 8th April

Member Rate: €80.00

This half day course will demonstrate the features and benefits of an effective Prezi presentation:

  • Navigate the user interface
  • Create, animate, share and publish your presentation
  • Practical understanding of the Prezi tools
  • Convey information through effective visuals
  • Experience of various layouts and techniques within Prezi
  • Turn a simple presentation into something your audience won’t forget!!


Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)

Course Dates: 14th, 21st, 28th April and 19th May

Member Rate: €525.00

The main purpose of this programme is to provide candidates with the tools and techniques necessary to work in a supervisory management role. You will learn the key areas of management such as roles and responsibilities, employment legislation, recruitment, performance management, data protection, operational planning and budgeting.

If you are new to the management area, thinking of moving or are an existing manager, this course is ideal for you.

At the end of this programme, successful participants will be able to:

  1. List the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor/line manager;
  2. Analyse the process of staff recruitment;
  3. Identify the key areas of workplace legislation and best practice in staff supervision;
  4. List the main provisions of the Data Protection Act;
  5. Develop operations manuals for work-related procedures, including systems for records management;
  6. Prepare departmental budgets, taking into account a range of potential expenses such as labour and material costs, insurances and contingency;
  7. Identify best practices in the ongoing training and development of their staff;
  8. Manage performance and conduct effective performance appraisals.

Women in Leadership

Date: Friday, 17th April
Time: 12.30pm – 3.00pm
Venue: Kingsley Hotel Cork
Cost: €60 Cork Chamber / Network Cork members

Cork Chamber in association with Network Cork is hosting an Executive Lunch on Friday 17th April in The Kingsley Hotel, focusing on Women in Leadership and featuring Dee Forbes, President & Managing Director of Discovery Networks Northern Europe as the guest speaker.

Headquartered in London, Dee manages all commercial and channel activities for Discovery Networks Northern Europe’s business covering 27 TV brands in 18 markets and territories. Discovery's footprint reaches over 276 million cumulative TV households across Northern Europe each month including the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands.

Places for this event are extremely limited, so please BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.

Is Your Business Energy-Aware?

Date: Wednesday, 22nd April
Time: 08:30 - 12:30
Venue: Cork Chamber, Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork
Cost: Free, however registration is essential 

The Enterprise Europe Network is hosting an informative workshop on the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in association with Energia.  Using energy efficiently helps organisations to save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. The European Commission is encouraging SMEs to become more energy-aware and thereby contribute to the overall reduction of energy consumption, as well as promoting the development and uptake of innovative new technologies in the energy sector. 

One way of making your business more energy aware is by implementing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System. 


For more information contact  Katherine.  To book click here.


Is your business energy-aware?

Using energy efficiently helps organisations to save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. The European Commission is encouraging SMEs to become more energy-aware and thereby contribute to the overall reduction of energy consumption, as well as promoting the development and uptake of innovative new technologies in the energy sector.  One way of making your business more energy aware is by implementing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

On 22 April the Enterprise Europe Network, in association with Energia, is hosting an informative workshop on the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.  The workshop will take place in Cork Chamber from 9.30am-12pm.  For more information contact

ISO50001 Workshop - How to implement an energy management system

The new ISO 50001 Energy Management standard will help you to improve energy performance, cut costs and meet your customer expectations. Energy Management Systems can help your company to put in place systems which ensure continuous improvement in your energy performance. This can then reduce your energy costs and carbon emissions. ISO 50001 puts in place a structured framework for the supply, use and consumption of energy in industrial, commercial and institutional companies.

This half-day workshop will cover the following:

  • Introduction to ISO50001 - Background
  • Comparison to other ISO standards – 14001/18001/EMAS
  • ISO50001 guidelines
  • How to develop an energy policy – sample given
  • How to establish an implementation team and who does what!
  • How to conduct an initial energy review
  • What are the costs and time commitments for certification?
  • How to set up and implement an energy reduction/improvement programme
  • Implementation and project grant aid  - what’s available and how to apply?

About the trainer:

P.J. Henry is a qualified energy consultant engineer, who has many years’ experience working in the multinational sector such as Abbott, Wyeth, Braun etc. and currently provides training seminars and energy audits to various companies around Ireland. P.J. is also a qualified BER (Building Energy Rating) consultant and ISO 50001 energy management systems lead auditor. PJ has experience in real world implementation of management systems and will share his wealth of practical experience in showing you how to put systems in place in an efficient manner. 


Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub
(only 5 places left…)

Are you a start-up or an already established SME?

The Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub is where a small group of business owners meet regularly, in a safe and confidential environment to share ideas, issues and experiences, helping each other and themselves with the daily challenges facing businesses today. The hubs are fully facilitated by Cork Chamber and also offer members the opportunity to focus on some key areas for their business including finance, legal, sales and marketing topics.  To fully benefit, participants are asked to commit to all four dates in the series.  The dates for the upcoming series are:

  • Tues 21st April – 4.00pm – 5.30pm
  • Tues 28th April – 4.30pm – 6.00pm
  • Tues 5th May – 4.30pm – 6.00pm
  • Tues 12th May – 4.30pm – 6.00pm


CLICK HERE to apply for the Business Owners Hub

Cork Chamber April Business Breakfast
Award Winning SolarWinds to share their Story…

Date: Wednesday 29th April
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Maryborough Hotel
Cost: €25 members / €35 non members

Cork Chamber’s April Business Breakfast will feature David Owens, Senior VP Finance and International Operations of SolarWinds, a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT performance management software.  With its International Headquarters in Citygate, Mahon.  SolarWinds has received many accolades and awards and recently scooped the coveted “Cork Company of the Year Award”. 

David joined SolarWinds in 2007, having previously worked for Red Hat.  Of the SolarWinds base in Cork, David Owens said “Establishing our EMEA HQ in Cork has enabled us to grow existing markets and enter new ones across the region.  We recognise our Cork office as a center of excellence for the services and levels of support delivered to our customers throughout the region”.

David will give Cork Chamber members some insight into the decision to bring the EMEA headquarters for SolarWinds to Cork, the journey so far, what the future holds and why winning the Cork Company of the Year award has meant so much to the team, both here and worldwide.

In association with Irish Examiner.

Exporters take note

Revenue has announced that the new Electronic Manifest System (EMS) will go live on 1st July 2015. The announcement means that from that date, a customs declaration (SAD) in AEP will not be fully processed, and therefore goods will not be cleared for release until a match is made in Revenue’s systems between the manifest and SAD data.

Revenue highlighted that there is currently a high degree of non-matching customs declarations and Manifest data and if no improvements are made in the coming months, there will be significant non-clearance of goods after July 1st. Therefore it is vital that exporters and importers prepare for the EMS going live.


Partner search for EU funded project on 3D-animation and UI-Design

A leading German SME specialised in 3D-Animation -Technology and Software Development is looking for partners with expertise in 3D animation and/or User Interface Design in order to submit a proposal within the upcoming Fast Track to Innovation EU funded call.


H2020-FTI-Pilot-2015-1: 3D-animation and UI-Design

A leading German SME specialised in 3D-Animation-Technology and Software Development is looking for partners with expertise in 3D animation and/or User Interface Design in order to submit a proposal within the upcoming Fast Track to Innovation.

The company developed a software solution that enables virtual storytelling for everyone and makes computer generated animation in the order of 50% cheaper and faster. The project objective is to deliver the functionality of existing technologies as a cloud based service, allowing the average user to collaboratively create rich visual content for the virtual space. The solution should remove the need for expert tools and expert operators to create 3D animated content. Thus, new target groups and markets will be opened such as 3D-learning and teaching, production, or for social interaction.

The consortium is formed by the German SME and an Institute for applied RTD in Denmark.  Further partners are sought for web-based ergonomic User Interface Design, carrying out 3D modelling, animation or other User Interface design tasks.

For further information contact Katherine 

Latest News
  • Leading Family Law solicitor announced as finalist for prestigious Law Awards - read more here
  • New Sales Director Appointed At Horizon Energy Group  - read more here
  • Cork Company Asystec named partner of the year by EM - read more here
  • National Fundraising Team of the Year Award for the Cork Association for Autism - read more here
  • A.S.A. Marketing marks 30 Years in Business at its 2015 Ideas Showcase - read more here
  • Bibby appoints three senior executives to support regional SMEs - read more here
  • The Bon Secours Hospital Cork hosts a GP Education Evening on Cardiology and introduces new Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Heiko Kindler - read more here
  • Over €10,000 raised for Irish Heart Foundation at sell-out Marketing Ball - read more here
  • Lifetime Achievement Award for City Life's, Ted Dwyer at Irish Brokers Association's Life Pension & Investment (LPI) Awards - read more here
  • Norah Casey hosts inaugural Irish Tatler Working Lunch to a packed crowd in Cork - read more here
  • Cork is Brewing up a storm - read more here 
  • Network Cork and Cork Chamber celebrate "Women in Leadership" - read more here
  • Xanadu Announces Appointment of Michael O'Gorman as chief information officer - read more here

Member Events
A.S.A. Marketing 30th Anniversary Ideas Showcase
Date: Tuesday, April 14th
Time: 10am-2.30pm
Venue: River Lee Hotel
Cost: Free
Book: see website here 

A.S.A. Marketing provides marketing solutions to companies both local and multinational throughout Ireland and more recently globally, through their investment in the IGC Global Promotions Network. This year A.S.A. Marketing celebrates 30 years in business and will kick start start the occasion at its highly successful annual Showcase. The event takes place on Tuesday 14th April in the River Lee Hotel, Cork, 10am -2.30pm where local Caricature Artist Declan Malone will entertain everyone with his funky faced sketches throughout the day.

Aodh Bourke, Chairman notes that  “A.S.A. Marketing has changed a lot over those 30 years –building on from branded merchandise, direct marketing & database management in the 80’s to software design, web apps and social media development today. What has not changed, because it is in our DNA, is our dedication to finding the right solution for our customers - yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

Jim Breen Cycle Against Suicide
Date: Tuesday, 7th April 
Time: 5pm
Venue: MSL Cork Mercedes-Benz
Cost: FREE
Book: E: here  or T: 021-2408600

The Cycle is aimed to help raise awareness for the supports available for suicide prevention on the island of Ireland and promote the message 'it's ok not to feel ok and it's absolutely ok to ask for help'. The Cycle Against Suicide sees thousands of cyclists in a sea of orange cycle around the island of Ireland over 14 days.  Jim will be calling into MSL Cork on Tuesday 7th April at 5pm to talk to MSL Cork employees and other local businesses from around the area about mental health with a view to spreading the message that ‘it’s ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help’. Once Jim has completed The Run on Sunday 26th April in Belfast, he will be getting on a bike and begin the Cycle Against Suicide the following day, Monday 27th April.

Jim Breen founded Cycle Against Suicide in 2012. Cycle Against Suicide was created as an awareness raising campaign, encouraging help seeking behaviours.Since 2012, Cycle Against Suicide has grown exponentially and in 2015 Jim decided to take on another project in the form of The Run Against Suicide.On the 30th March 2015, Jim Breen set off from Phoenix Park to run around the island of Ireland over four weeks and covering 1,400kms.The main aims of the Run are to promote the upcoming event of Cycle Against Suicide; to recruit volunteers and homestay providers; and to expand existing relationships with schools, prisons, local media and mental health organisations.

The Cycle is aimed to help raise awareness for the supports available for suicide prevention on the island of Ireland and promote the message 'it's ok not to feel ok and it's absolutely ok to ask for help'. The Cycle Against Suicide sees thousands of cyclists in a sea of orange cycle around the island of Ireland over 14 days.  Jim will be calling into MSL Cork on Tuesday 7th April at 5pm to talk to MSL Cork employees and other local businesses from around the area about mental health with a view to spreading the message that ‘it’s ok not to feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help’.Once Jim has completed The Run on Sunday 26th April in Belfast, he will be getting on a bike and begin the Cycle Against Suicide the following day, Monday 27th April.

BrewFest Cork
Date: 1st – 05th April (Excluding Good Friday)
Time: 4 - 10.30pm
Venue: Old Thompsons Bakery, MacCurtain Street, Cork
Cost: €14
Book: here 

Clear your dairies for this Week (1st-5th excluding Good Friday) for the opening of BrewFest Cork.  Cork will be ‘on tap’ at the iconic Old Thompson’s Bakery, MacCurtain Street with a suite of locally brewed beers, stouts, ales, ciders and wheat beers, with local artisan food producers and toe-tapping live music to ramp up the experience.

Patrick Holford Gentle Detox Programme
Date: Four week detox programme, starts Wednesday 15th April
Time: 7pm - 8pm
Venue: Natural Clinic, Sullivans Quay Cork
Cost: €80
Book: here

Patrick Holford uses scientific findings to show you how to detoxify your body and achieve astonishing results. If you want to lose weight, boost your energy levels, become clear-headed, recover quickly from excesses and give your skin a healthy glow, then this programme is for you.

Inter-firm Dragon Boat Challenge
Date:  Saturday, 6th June 
Time: 2-7pm
Venue: Lapp's Quay, CorkCost: €425 per team (17 people @ €25 each)
Book: W:  here / E:  here  /  T: 021 4847673

Looking for an activity which involves fun, adventure, teambuilding and rivalry? Try your hand at a dragon boat as the River Lee comes to life to the sound of drums and the splashing of paddles! With over 300 participants from some of the biggest companies in Cork this is THE inter-firm event this summer!

Big Data breakfast briefing

Date: Thursday, 9th April 

Time: 7:30am – 9:30am

Venue: Blackrock Castle Observatory

Book: E: Annette Coburn here 

it@cork in association with IBM is hosting a Big Data breakfast briefing.

Noel Garry, Insurance Analytics Leader IBM EMEA will outline how organisations are transforming their business through the use of Big Data and Analytics. He will talk about how organisations are getting started and some of the findings from the latest research. He will provide a number of real examples from a variety of industries.






7:00 – 7:55

Registration / Breakfast

8:00 – 8:05

Welcome and Intro Ronan Murphy – Chairman it@Cork

8:05 – 8:40

Keynote Speaker Noel Garry

8:40 – 9:00



Wrap up and close

Shine Ireland App Launch
Date: Wednesday, 8th April 
Time: 12 noon
Venue: Millennium Hall, City Hall, Cork
Cost: FREE
Book: here.  

The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Mary Shields, will officially launch the new Social Skills App which has been developed by the Shine Centre for Autism for children and teenagers with autism. The Social Skills for Autism app is designed to teach children, adolescents, teenagers and young people with autism the social skills they need to operate effectively and comfortably in social situations.