Cork County Council Little Island Transportation Study
Following the member meeting with Cork County Council and Systra and Barry Consultants on the Little Island Transportation Consultation, Cork Chamber included a submission to the process to represent member concerns and suggestions. Click here to read the full submission.
Regarding short term works discussed at our meeting and listed in our submission, Cork County Council are identifying and costing specific works; which will address particular existing peak hour congestion areas and which will assist in providing additional capacity ahead of the upgrade of the Dunkettle Interchange. The recent upgrading of Island Cross Junction with traffic lights has resulted in improvements for Sitecast and GB industrial Estate in particular.
Sources of funding for further works are also being identified by the County Council at present. It is likely that any changes will be required to go through the Statutory Planning Process, when all proposals will be publicised and submissions welcomed. It is expected that this will advance early in 2018.
Regarding the next stage of the Little Island Transportation Study, Systra & CH2MBarry continue to work with Cork County Council to deliver an Interim Report of the Project, which is expected to be finalised by March 2018. It should be noted that the Interim report shall inform the Draft Final Report which will then go out for full Public Consultation. This keeps the project on track on its original program for completion in mid-2018.