TII Dunkettle Interchange
The Cork Chamber team recently met with the Senior TII Engineer with responsibility for the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade project. Currently the project is at detailed design phase with Jacobs Engineering and TII working together, to minimise disruption to commuters and businesses especially during the busier peak times. A contractor will be appointed at the end of Q1 2018, with a projected 12 month design and planning period to follow. Work is expected to commence from the end of Q1 2019 with the expected completion in 2021.
Cork Chamber and TII will host a meeting for members in Q1 2018 to give a full project update. This meeting will invite members to engage with TII and the contractors to learn more about the plans and mitigating measures undertaken. We will be in touch with a date in January. A model of the Dunkettle interchange layout can currently be viewed in the foyer of the National Roads Design Office, Richmond, Glanmire and a satellite image is below.
Further images and the Environmental Impact Statement are available online