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Have Your Say: Upgrade of the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road
Economic Trends Survey Prize Winners
Upcoming Local and EU election process
Subsidised Training
Work like a Seahawk!!
Business Owners Hub: Experts Wanted
Business After Hours at KBC Bank
February Business Breakfast
Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber
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February Business Breakfast

Date: Thursday 20th February
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Cork International Airport Hotel
Cost: €25 members / €35 non members
To book: HERE


Cork Chamber is delighted to welcome Séan Gallagher to speak at the February Business Breakfast.

A recognised champion of small business, Séan sees entrepreneurs as unsung heroes who have the capacity to literally change the world.  Séan will share his views on the future of small business in Ireland, the challenges facing start-ups, as well as established SMEs and his words of wisdom for businesses hoping to take the world by storm in 2014.



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