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Have Your Say: Upgrade of the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road
Economic Trends Survey Prize Winners
Upcoming Local and EU election process
Subsidised Training
Work like a Seahawk!!
Business Owners Hub: Experts Wanted
Business After Hours at KBC Bank
February Business Breakfast
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Economic Trends Survey Prize Winners

Cork Chamber is very grateful to all those members who complete our quarterly economic trends surveys.  Your responses are very important in shaping our policy development and advocacy work and ensuring that the requirements of member businesses are integrated into and reflected in our meetings with key decision makers.  We are delighted to announce the prize winners for the 3rd and 4th economic trends surveys:


Congratulations to Pat Carroll, Carroll Ryan Recruitment who is the prize winner for the Q3 Economic Trends Survey.  Pat wins a lunch voucher for two at the excellent Barnabrow House, set in a private estate near Ballycotton Bay.  Best known as a wedding venue and home to Home to Michelin Star Chef Stuart Bowes, Barnabrow House is now available for corporate use as a meeting venue and also for private dinners


Congratulations to Donal F O’Donovan, DFOD consultants who is the prize winner for the Q4 Economic Trends Survey.  This quarter’s prize was kindly sponsored by Cork Airport who currently provide services to a range of airlines flying to more than 50 destinations across Europe.  Donal wins a €200 voucher for Aer Lingus flights to any destination served out of Cork International Airport .

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