In this issue
Have Your Say: Upgrade of the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road
Economic Trends Survey Prize Winners
Upcoming Local and EU election process
Subsidised Training
Work like a Seahawk!!
Business Owners Hub: Experts Wanted
Business After Hours at KBC Bank
February Business Breakfast
Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber
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Member Events
Begin growing your business – NOW! Free Breakfast Briefing

Date: 7th February
Time: 7.30am to 8.55am
Venue: River Lee Hotel, Cork
Cost: FREE
To book:  HERE

ManagementWorks, a new initiative by the state agency Skillnets,  invites you to attend a workshop delivered by The Discovery Partnership to hear about smarter ways to begin growing your business in these, more challenging, times.

This workshop is designed with YOU in mind, the business owner/manager of an SME. You will gain insights into the essentials of creating competitive advantage today, including:

  • The TRUE purpose of your business
  • How to attract AND retain customers
  • Why there are only 4 ways to grow your business
  • Why cutting costs will not grow your business...unless the savings are re-invested in one of the 4 ways
  • ......and lots more!
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Flood Risk Management Conference
Date: 7th February
Time: 9:00am- 4.00pm
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel
Cost: €75
To book:  021-4813612

The Cobh & Harbour Chamber are holding a Flood Risk Management Conference on Friday 7th February. Please contact Freda at the Cobh Office 021-4813612 if you require any further information or to book your place for the Conference. See below for programme.
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Chanticleer Choral Workshop and Concert
Date: Workshop – 10th February & Concert-February 11th, 2014
Time: Workshop – 8.00pm, Concert-Voci Nuove  Pre Concert Recital 7.00pm, Chanticleer - 8.00pm
Venue: Opera House – Cork – both Workshop and Concert
Cost: Workshop - €20 per person, Concert - €30/€40
To book: Cork Opera House HERE  or telephone Box Office 021 4270022

Chanticleer called “the world’s reigning male chorus” by New Yorker magazine, and names Ensemble of the Year by Musical America in 2008 will be performing in Cork Opera House on 11th February, 2014.   

Exporting Awareness Event – A Business Journey

Date: 18th February
Time: 09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Venue: The Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, Cork
Cost: Free
To Book: HERE

If exporting is on the horizon for your business then there is a lot to be learned from the story of the William O’Brien Group as it moved from domestic supplier to modern global marketer. Enterprise Ireland presents this unique learning opportunity free of charge at an Export Awareness Event.


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Diabetes Ireland Education Seminar for Type 1, Type 2 and Parents and AGM
Date: February 20th
Time: 6pm and 8pm
Venue:  Imperial Hotel, Cork
Cost: Free

The Cork Branch of Diabetes Ireland will hold their AGM and Public Education Meetings in the Imperial Hotel, South Mall, Cork on Thursday, February 20th, 2014.  The AGM will take place at 6.30pm. There will also be a series of meetings at 6pm and 8pm, that will be of interest to people with Type 1, Type 2 and parents of children with Diabetes.