In this issue
Have Your Say: Upgrade of the N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy road
Economic Trends Survey Prize Winners
Upcoming Local and EU election process
Subsidised Training
Work like a Seahawk!!
Business Owners Hub: Experts Wanted
Business After Hours at KBC Bank
February Business Breakfast
Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber
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Upcoming Local and EU election process

Cork Chamber will participate in the upcoming Local and EU election process to ensure the Chamber’s policy positions and priorities are advanced. We will publish a ‘manifesto’ highlighting a series of polices we would like all election candidates to support on behalf of Cork’s business community.


The “manifesto” will be an opportunity to get our core messages across to election candidates; promoting the issues and policy priorities which we believe will create an enabling business environment that is conducive to the operations of the Chamber membership and supportive of the region’s wider economic development.


Please contact Alma Murnane with any issues which you believe should be included in the Chamber’s Pre-election manifesto by February 17th 2014.

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