In this issue
Subsidised Training
Conflict Management
Show me the Money! Access to Finance for SMEs
Port of Cork Business After Hours
Chamber Supported Events
Jobs Expo 2013: The best candidates in the world will be there. Will you?
Chamber Supported Projects
Cork Innovates Launches €30,000 Bursary
Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber
Member Updates
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Subsidised Training
Conflict Management

In business, you have to take the good with the bad. The bad can often lead to some form of conflict and managing this conflict represents both a challenge and an opportunity for every employee and employer. Our Conflict Management course can help you to handle any conflict effectively.

We also have a course in E-Mail & Business Writing running on the 11th September and Business Finance for Managers & Entrepreneurs starting on the 12th September.



Why train with us? We have small class sizes of an average of 10 persons per class (individual attention guaranteed) Top Trainers (all are leaders within their respective fields), locally delivered and exceptionally good value for money.

Conflict Management

Course Dates: 5th & 6th September

Member Rate: €250.00

This course will enable participants to have a heightened awareness of their own personal conflict management style, be aware of the positive role of conflict and also be able to develop their mediation skills to manage an effective outcome via a mediation process. Participants will be encouraged to develop a personal plan of action in terms of developing their own conflict management skills in their workplace environment.

The objectives of this course include:

  • To enable participants to become aware of the positive value of conflict.
  • To become aware of their own temperament and personal style – self-awareness and their response to conflict.
  • To develop an understanding of both conflict and negotiation dynamics - understand how conflict can escalate.
  • Become aware of the skills required to manage, resolve and change conflict.
  • Develop process management skills to manage a mediation process.
  • Be able to carry out a mediation process (in the form of a role-play) and manage an effective outcome for the parties, where possible.
  • Appreciating, understanding and accepting personal and others negotiation and conflict management styles.
  • Boosting self-confidence in relation to managing conflict.
  • Learn top tips to negotiate and manage conflict.
  • Understand the importance of preparation in advance of negotiations.

This course is ideal for front line personnel - customer service, sales, complaint handling, procurement, operations, supervisors and human resources personnel.  This course is only €250.00 for Chamber members so BOOK TODAY!


E-Mail & Business Writing

Course Date: 11th September 

Member Rate: €120.00

This one day course is designed to give the participants an understanding of the importance of written communication in delivering the core message of the company brand. Specifically, it will present the techniques to create e-mails and documents with a clear, logical structure to organise their ideas and key points.

Following this course you will:

  • Understand the importance of active management of the written communication process as an essential skill in getting the information from others, setting clear direction, building trust and creating and maintaining customer relationships.
  • Understand that writing clearly is a professional business skill
  • Have logical structure to create effective e-mails
  • Realise that the content and tone of their e-mails can influence the reactions of the readers
  • Know how to properly structure e-mails.
  • Avoid common grammar and punctuation errors
  • Practice the techniques and tips to create professional emails and create an action plan to apply them.
  • Recognise that professional writing is a career skill which enhances employability.

This course is ideal for those people who are responsible for communicating in writing with internal and/or external customers or clients. BOOK TODAY!


Business Finance for Managers & Entrepreneurs

Course Dates: 12th & 19th September

Member Rate: €250.00

This course is suitable for anyone working in business who wishes to gain a sound overall understanding of finance, owner managers and those thinking about setting up a business and advisers and managers in specialist disciplines who want to understand how business and finance works.

Participants will have access to the website during and after the course for designated exercises and self-directed practice sessions to reinforce learning. This course will help participants to speak the language of finance to communicate effectively in business situations and use the financial perspective to make smart business decisions.

The programme has four modules:

1. Financial Statements – the purpose, content and structure of the scorecards of business (“Knowing where to look to get information from financial statements”)

2 The Language of Finance – developing an easy familiarity with the terms and concepts used (“Communicating effectively using the language of business”)

3 The Financial Perspective – using financial awareness to make smart business decisions (Focusing business tactics and decisions of the three key result areas – profit, stability and asset utilisation)

4 Ratio Analysis – the calculation, meaning and factors influencing the most common ratios (“Transforming numbers into useful information to pinpoint important issues and trends)

Participants will be entitled to unrestricted access to for three months from the time they register on the site. This course is €250.00 for Chamber members so BOOK NOW!


See our full range of courses at

Bookings can be completed through the website and enquiries should be directed to  (Training Services Administrator)




Show me the Money! Access to Finance for SMEs

Date: Wednesday 11th September
Time: 8.30am – 11.30am
Venue: Clarion Hotel Cork
Cost:  free of charge
To Book: HERE

The Enterprise Europe Network is bringing you a four-part seminar series this autumn, outlining the numerous financial supports available to SMEs and how to access them. The first seminar, available to book now, will focus on bank financing and loan reviews.  Look out for our future seminars focusing on EU funding, VC and other forms of investment funding, and state agency and government incentives.   

Part 1:  Bank Financing - 11th September 2013

Speakers at this Seminar include:

-         Eoin Gunn, Business Banking Senior Relationship Manager, AIB Bank

-         Michael Ashe, Trade Finance Manager, Ulster Bank

-         Brendan Moran, Senior Business Manager, Bank of Ireland

-         Paul Kerr, Senior Reviewer, Credit Review Office


Attendees will learn more about the following themes:

-          Managing all elements of the payments cycle effectively

-          What banks look for in a lending application

-          Working Capital Finance Options

-          Export financing options for businesses going international

-          Medium and Long-term funding facilities

-          The role of the Credit Review Office and how to proceed if you have been refused bank credit

All speakers will be available for one-to-one consultations after the seminar. The Seminar takes place in the Clarion Hotel Cork from 8.30am – 11.30am. To reserve your place click here or contact: (021- 4530137)                                                                                                 

Themes and provisional dates for the rest of the series include:

  • Part 2: EU Funding - Wednesday 9th October 2013
  • Part 3: Venture Capital and Private Investments - Wednesday 6th November 2013
  • Part 4: State Agency Funding - Wednesday 4th December 2013

The seminars are free of charge and details of each seminar will be announced in due course.

Port of Cork Business After Hours

Date: 17th September
Time:  5.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Port of Cork Boardroom
Cost: FREE for Cork Chamber members
To Book: Visit our website  HERE

Cork Chamber will hold the September Business After Hours Event at the Port of Cork building on Custom House Quay on Tues 17th September.

The Port of Cork is the key seaport on the south of Ireland and acts as a major facilitator of both imports and export. The Port of Cork also attracts on average 100,000 cruise passengers and crew to the region every year, which in turn contributes significantly to the local economy.  This event will give you a unique opportunity to see the historical Port of Cork building and will also give you an opportunity to network, meet potential clients and grow your business.

Please note that although this event is FREE for you, there is a cost to the organiser so we ask that if you or your guests can’t attend on the night, you let us know.  You can BOOK HERE to secure your place.

Chamber Supported Events
Jobs Expo 2013: The best candidates in the world will be there. Will you?

Date: 10th September
Time: 12-6pm
Venue: Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Tivoli, Cork
Cost: Details upon application.
To book: Call: 01 8652160 or Email: Website:

Jobs Expo Cork will bring together national and international employers seeking to recruit experienced and skilled candidates and graduates. In addition, the event will include a number of education and training course providers and will feature a 'Starting your own Business' area, plus much more. With a rich pool of talented, experienced and educated attendees, Jobs Expo is an ideal opportunity for companies looking to recruit the right talent.

Chamber Supported Projects
Cork Innovates Launches €30,000 Bursary
Cork innovates, an initiative driving entrepreneurship in the Region, has announced an increased bursary of €30,000 this year to give one lucky entrepreneur a major boost to their business. The Cork innovates bursary will offer a wide range of services from advertising,  financial advice and mentoring to legal services and membership supports. Everything a business and entrepreneur could need to get started and get ahead is included in this year’s bursary. 

The bursary is now open for applications on  until 18 October 2013.
Those wishing to attend the INBusiness INCork event can pre-register now HERE

Cork innovates, an initiative driving entrepreneurship in the Region, has announced an increased bursary of €30,000 this year to give one lucky entrepreneur a major boost to their business.
The Cork innovates bursary will offer a wide range of services from advertising,  financial advice and mentoring to legal services and membership supports. Everything a business and entrepreneur could need to get started and get ahead is included in this year’s bursary.
“Last year we received an overwhelming response from Cork startups and businesses to the bursary”,  said Siobhan Finn, Cork innovates Coordinator.  
“In order to provide a greater window of opportunity, this year the bursary will be open for applications until 18 October 2013. The short listed applicants will then get a chance to pitch their idea to the judges and mentors at the InBusiness InCork event on 14 November 2013”.
Last year’s bursary winner, James Duggan of Funmanway Adventureland saw off intense competition to take the inaugural business award. 
“Winning the bursary was the single biggest step my business made going forward since the launch,” said James Duggan of Funmanway Adventureland.
“It opened new doors and opportunities for me that previously I had thought would not happen for years. The training and support we received so far has been fantastic and now I have the propensity to dream a much bigger vision for my business. The Cork innovates bursary has given me the confidence to achieve success with my startup.  I will always be truly grateful to Cork innovates and to all partners involved for the opportunity they have given my business to succeed.”
The Irish Examiner and Newstalk have come on board as media partners for the showcase once again.  AIB Bank have also pledged their commitment and support for the InBusiness InCork showcase as well as contributing to the Cork innovates bursary.  AIB Regional Director (Cork), John O’Doherty said,
“We are delighted to support Cork innovates again this year. The start-up and SME sectors are critically important to the economy and AIB is fully committed to supporting those starting out in business through our business start-up package. AIB is open for business and urges anybody seeking financial assistance to come and talk to our dedicated lending staff who will guide them through the borrowing processes.”
Chairman of Cork innovates, Anthony O’Mara added that “the support from our sponsors, businesses and organisations in increasing the amount is a wonderful endorsement of the Region’s support for innovation and entrepreneurship and shows the committed to entrepreneurial growth that Cork innovates embodies.”
Bringing together all stakeholders in the region, Cork innovates was established to advance Cork’s position as a hub for entrepreneurship and to increase the rate of job creation in the Cork area and beyond.
The steering group of Cork innovates comprises representatives from Cork City Council and Cork County Council, the four Enterprise Boards in the region, Enterprise Ireland, UCC, CIT, Cork Chamber, Cork BIC and the South West Regional Authority (SWRA) as well as a number of entrepreneurs in the region. 
The bursary is now open for applications on <> until 18 October 2013.
Those wishing to attend the INBusiness INCork event can pre-register now at <

Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber

The Enterprise Europe Network helps small business make the most of the European marketplace. Working through a network of local business organizations across Europe and beyond, we can help you develop your business in new markets, source or license new technologies or access EU finance and EU funding.

For more information, please see: or contact

See 'read more' section (below) for information on the following:

  • Polymer Connections - Brokerage Event and Information Day – 26 September 2013 - Belfast
  • Business Opportunities in Northern Ireland via the Enterprise Europe Network Database

Keep up to date with Enterprise Europe Network on Twitter @EEN_CORK 

Polymer Connections - Brokerage Event and Information Day – 26 September 2013 - Belfast

The Enterprise Europe Network is organising a brokerage event and information day on 26 September in Belfast, where businesses, clusters or research organisations with an interest in Polymers will get the chance to boost their business.  Plastics and Polymers have very diverse applications, from food packaging to medical devices, and whether you have expertise in Polymer Processing or whether you come from another sector which uses polymers, this event will open up chances to innovate and grow.

The Northern Ireland Polymers Association (NIPA) are assisting with the event, and other clusters represented will include PLASNET from Denmark.  The event will be promoting technology and Horizon 2020, however there will also be an important emphasis on the exchange of business opportunities, where companies will have the opportunity to find international partners for technology transfer, business co-operation and collaborative research, in pre-arranged 20 minute meetings in one location.

For more information see the website or contact

Enterprise Europe Network – Business Opportunities

There are over 10590 opportunities from across Europe and beyond currently available in the Enterprise Europe Network database. These divided into 4 sections : Business Opportunities, Technology Opportunities, FP7 Partner Searches and Local Partnership Opportunities.

We have selected opportunities from Northern Ireland for this edition.

A Northern Irish company is a leading provider of people-centered software systems wish to develop a distributor network/ partner channel for its web based products. Ref: 20121017031.

They have vast experience and expertise in designing and building IT systems that make companies perform better. The company has developed a range of mobile work management and job control applications allowing customers to continue to manage their work while away from their desks which they refer to as Business Process Automation Solutions. They wish to appoint distributors in Republic of Ireland. For more information contact quoting the reference number 20121017031.

A Northern Irish  (UK) company designs and produces a range of design-led portable commercial cookery workspaces is looking for distribution partners in Ireland. Ref : 20130227034

The range is used in cookery demonstrations, sampling and light catering. Their products incorporate cooking and mobile water facilities, with easily interchangeable panels to adapt according to brand, season or campaign. For more information contact quoting the reference number 20130227034.

A Northern-Ireland - based (UK) company has vast global experience in complex electrical-mechanical manufacturing, integration, assembly and software media duplication services seek co-operation partners. Ref : 20130104012

The company is looking for co-operation partners requiring electrical-mechanical manufacturing, assembly and integration of complex products on a full-time or overflow basis. Partners requiring a company to manage software media duplication are also sought. For more information quoting the reference number 20130104012.

You can explore our extensive database of current opportunities here.  If you would like any more information about these or any other opportunity, please contact quoting the reference number.












Members Offers
50% Discount Super Deluxe Muscle Melting 2.5 Hour Spa Experience

Offer available: Only €79 or €99 including accommodation. Option to add an overnight stay in our beautiful Rectory Room or Self-catring Cabin, including breakfast and your treatment €99 per person sharing (€120 single occupancy)

This divine 2.5hr treatment starts with a foot spa and foot massage. Then soak and relax in detoxifying Epsom Salt Bath, which warms and relaxes the muscle tissue and stimulate lymphatic flow. 
Muscle tension is then eased away with a deluxe full body & head aromatherapy massage. Fresh fruit sorbet and Herbal tea complete the treatment.

Treatment includes - Comforting Foot Spa
Foot Massage
Heavenly Epsom Salt Bath
Full Body Aromatherapy & Indian Head  Massage
Fruit Sorbet & Herbal Tea

Western Carribean Cruise

Offer available: From €1399pp

Depart 10th May, Package Includes

  • Return Flights
  • 7 nights on-board MSC DIVINA on a FULL BOARD basis
  • 1 night pre cruise in Miami Hotel
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd

Ports of Call: Miami, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Bahamas

See 'read more' for more great offers.


Offer 2


Depart: Nov – Feb

From €799pp

Package Includes

  • Return Flights
  • 7 nights onboard MSC LIRICA on a FULL BOARD basis
  • 1 night hotel stay in Dubai
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd

Ports of Call: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Khor Al Fakkan, Muscat, Khasab


Offer 3


Depart: NOV -  JAN

From €499pp

Package Includes

  • Return Flights 
  • 7 Nights on board MSC SPLENDIDA on a FULL BOARD basis
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd


Offer 4


Depart: APR – MAY

From €749pp

Package Includes

  • Return Flights
  • 7 Nights on board MSC PREZIOSA on a FULL BOARD Basis
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd


Offer 5


Depart: 21st DEC

From €999pp

Package Includes

  • Return Flights
  • 7 Nights on board MSC ARMONIA on a FULL BOARD Basis
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd


Offer 6


Selected dates Available

From €749pp

Package Includes:

  • Return Flights
  • 11 Nights on board MSC FANTASIA on a FULL BOARD basis
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd


Offer 7


Depart: NOV – MAR

From €1599pp

Package Includes:

  • Return Flights 
  • Cruise on board MSC  SINFONIA on a FULL BOARD basis
  • 4*Stay in Barcelona &Capetown
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd


Offer 8


Depart: NOV -  MAR

From €759pp

Package Includes:

  • Return Flights 
  • 9  nights on board MSC ARMONIA on a FULL BOARD Basis 
  • Entertainment on Cruise included
  • All Taxes and Charges Included
  • Add a Drinks package for €23pppd



Member Events
How Can Companies Out-Innovate Their Competitors?

Date: 4th September
Time: 18.45-20.00
Venue: Boole 2, University College Cork
Cost: FREE
To Book: HERE

Innovation is an essential element for business development and success, but most innovations fail. Professor Oliver Gassmann from St Gallen University, Switzerland, will help businesses understand how they can out-innovate their competitors. At the lecture, entitled Secrets of Innovation and the €100 Million Question, Professor Gassmann will address the ways that companies can help ensure their innovative developments are successful.

There is a pre-lecture networking event organised for 18.15 in the Aula Maxima for those of you coming directly from work or who have been on campus all day.  There will be tea, coffee and light refreshments served at this event.  Location: Main Quad.

Innovation is an essential element for business development and success, but most innovations fail. Professor Oliver Gassmann from St Gallen University, Switzerland, will help businesses understand how they can out-innovate their competitors at a public lecture at University College Cork on 4th September.

The lecture is part of the InterTradeIreland All-Island Innovation Programme, which is delivered in partnership with Queen’s University, University College Dublin, NUI Galway and University College Cork. The programme aims to promote and encourage innovation across the island through a series of free innovation lectures, seminars and master classes.

Professor Gassmann, who has conducted extensive research into what the success factors of innovation are, says that companies can benefit from learning the do’s and don’ts of innovation. “All organisations need to innovate and there is significant scope for cross-industry learning to enable such organisations to enhance their innovation capability”.

Professor Gassmann will share his insight into how businesses can successfully innovate at the InterTradeIreland lecture at University College Cork. The lecture is free to attend and will take place in Boole 2, University College Cork at 18.45 on Wednesday 4th September. At the lecture, entitled Secrets of Innovation and the €100 Million Question, Professor Gassmann will address the ways that companies can help ensure their innovative developments are successful.

Professor Gassmann has been Professor for Innovation Technology and Innovation Management at the University of St Gallen since 2002. He has published over 300 publications and several books on innovation, including Profiting from Innovation in China in December 2012. In the last ten years he consulted several DAX companies on their growth and innovation strategies, and in 2009 was identified as one of the top 50 ranking researchers by the International Association for Management Technology.

Dr Lawrence Dooley, University College Cork, said “The visit of Prof. Gassmann provides the opportunity for regional businesses to interact with one of the world leaders in the area of open innovation and to hear how companies such as Nestle, 3M and Lego have developed their innovative capability to sustain growth and competitive advantage.”

Aidan Gough, Strategy and Policy Director at InterTradeIreland, said “Innovation is itself a process or capability that can be learned , improved and embedded in a business, often with transformative results.  In a series of master classes and lectures Prof Gassmann will address in a very practical manner how businesses can use techniques that will improve their innovative output and business performance.”

All are welcome to register to attend, and this event is free of charge. Register online at



Learn To Trade The Financial Markets - We Teach Methods Which Help Safeguard Your Money

Date: Course starts 4th and continues on the 11th 18th and 25th of September.
Time: 5.30 pm
Venue: Radisson blu Hotel and Spa, Little Island, Cork
Cost: €950
To Book: E: or T: 01 6644034

Market volatility will return this Autumn.  The course led by Peter Brown will prepare you to develop a trading career or trade part time.


Cities for the Future: Learning from the Global to the Local

Date: 26th & 27th September 2013
Time: 9am – 4.30pm   Conference dinner & entertainment: 7pm
Venue: City Hall Cork
Cost: FREE 
To book: E-mail:  Online:  or Facebook Page

The Conference explores the EcCoWell approach - integrating strategies across ecology & economy (Ec), community & culture (Co) well-being & lifelong learning (Well). EcCoWell is about taking a holistic approach to policies and champions using resources more efficiently by building on areas of common interest between sectors.  

J. Barter Travel Cities of the Camino Guided Tour

Date: 9 days on 4th October 2013 from €985 per person


Get away from it all and come alive in the Cities of the Camino in Northern Spain. Michael Grainger and Juan Rodriguez will guide you on a 9 day adventure through the cities of the Camino, one of the most famous pilgrim walks in the world. Explore thirteen cities and 750km of experiences sampling the culture, history, gastronomy and architecture of each region, while walking each day a section of the pilgrims path.

The Cork Wine School WSET Level 2 Certificate in Wines & Spirits

Date: Tuesday Evenings from the 24th September to 26th November
Time:  7.00-9.00pm
Venue: The Clarion Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork
Cost: €395 (payment plan option available)
To book: Contact Deirdre on 021 4296060 or

WSET Intermediate Certificate is intended as vocational training in product knowledge for those employed in the drinks industry with little previous knowledge of wines & spirits.  Also appropriate for those not in the industry but have a serious interest in wine and wish to broaden their knowledge in a structured way. 

Inter-firm Dragon Boat Challenge

Date: 14th Sept as part of the Cork Harbour Open Weekend Celebrations
Time: 3pm -7pm 
Venue: The River Lee at Lapp's Quay, Cork City 
Cost:  €375 per team
To book: Contact  Tel: 00 353 21 4847673

Take part in an exhilarating teambuilding adventure and join the Inter-firm Dragon Boat Challenge for an end of summer showdown as the river Lee comes to life to the beating of drums, the splashing of paddles and the laughter of crews. Your company is invited to take part in what promises to be a spectacular happening!

Focus Ireland Shine a Light Night 2013 – Ireland’s Business leaders highlighting homelessness

Date: 18th October 2013
Time: Overnight from 7pm
Venue: Cork City Gaol
Cost: Sponsorship
Please contact Thos O’Leary at or call 021 425 1731 for more information

Focus Ireland works to end homelessness across Ireland. We are seeking to recruit Business Leaders to take part in our Shine a Light 2013 Night taking place in Cork City Gaol on October 18th. By participating in Shine a Light and raising €5,000 for Focus Ireland’s prevention services you will actively help our work to end homelessness.



Focus Ireland would like to start by thanking our sponsors Aviva and the 55 business leaders who took part in last year’s inaugural event in Dublin. Together they raised over €370,000, without which we would not have been able to reach the 8,000 people who benefitted from our services in 2012. Due to the success of last year’s event we are expanding Shine a Light 2013 to include a Cork venue – Cork City Gaol – both events will be held on October 18th this year. A big thank you to John Reynolds (KBC), Ronan Harris (Google), Geoff Scully (Littlewoods), John Moloney (Glanbia), Siobhan Finn (Cork Innovates), and Dan Kiely (Voxpro) who are helping to champion this year’s event.

f you would like to register, please contact Thos O’Leary on 021 425 1731  or email . Alternatively pop into our Cork offices on 80a South Mall.  

Focus Ireland’s Prevention Services There are as many as 5,000 people in Ireland who are homeless at any one time. Approximately 100 of these are people who we see rough sleeping. Most people who are homeless in Ireland are living in temporary accommodation that may be unsafe or unsuitable. It may surprise you to learn that 1 in 7 people accessing homeless services is a child.   Focus Ireland works to end homelessness by providing 60 services across Ireland with advice and information centres in Cork, Dublin, Kilkenny, Kildare, Limerick, Sligo, Waterford and Wexford. Focus Ireland have been operating in Cork since 2007.   We offer individuals and families, advice, support, education and housing to help people to have and keep a home. We believe that everyone has a right to a place they can call home and we campaign to address the causes of homelessness.  

Our work benefited over 8,000 people last year.  

Focus Ireland staff work with young people whose relationships with their families have broken down, and help them build independent lives and rebuild relationships. We work with those who have grown up in state care, with families in emergency accommodation and take particular care to support children in crisis situations. We work with people who are on the streets, building trust and helping them to return to secure accommodation.   Shine a Light Night – what’s involved?  To participate in Shine a Light Night we ask that you raise €5,000 for Focus Ireland’s prevention services and sleep out for a night in Dublin or Cork.   Shine a Light Night begins at 7pm with a short talk on homelessness in Ireland. Then, participants progress to Shine a Light locations (Iveagh Gardens in Dublin and Cork City Gaol in Cork). These will be closed to the public, only Shine a Light Night participants will be permitted access. Security will be in place throughout the night, along with first aiders and some basic services such as lighting, toilets and a small canopy in case of stormy weather. Soup and sandwiches will be provided for participants at 10.30pm. The event finishes up at 7am.