Little Island Members Update

There’s a lot happening, and a lot more planned for the Cork region.
Now, as you pass the Dunkettle Interchange you see the activity starting on the upgrade. Cork Chamber have held meetings with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to relay the concerns of business and commuters as this project gets underway, with the most recent meeting taking place on the 1st March last. The focus of the TII presentation at this meeting was on the complexities of the project, the known risk factors and the steps being taken to lessen the impacts of the upgrade project on commuters.
The upgrade is due to be completed in early 2022 with main works commencing in Q1 2019. Currently there is an Advance Site Clearance Contract progressing and this should reach substantial completion before Easter. Completion of the Site Clearance will in turn facilitate Archaeological Investigation and resolution in advance of the Main Works. The offline development is to be completed first with the gradual opening of these sections over the duration of the project to facilitate traffic as much as possible, and with the City to the Tunnel loop being part of the final phase.