
Last week was a busy week in Little Island! O’Flynn Group announced they are set to build a €20m, 70,000 sq ft office block, which will accommodate up to 500 workers, for Lilly in Eastgate and there was a noticeable increase in activity thanks to the Christmas shopping period. This increase in business activity is a welcome a sign of the buoyant and compelling nature of the Cork economy and Little Island as a key driver.
However, our members continually highlight the challenges associated with traffic on the Island and we are working with the relevant bodies to elevate the issue and to seek practical short-term alleviations and medium-term solutions. |
TII Dunkettle Interchange
The Cork Chamber team recently met with the Senior TII Engineer with responsibility for the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade project. Currently the project is at detailed design phase with Jacobs Engineering and TII working together, to minimise disruption to commuters and businesses especially during the busier peak times. A contractor will be appointed at the end of Q1 2018, with a projected 12 month design and planning period to follow. Work is expected to commence from the end of Q1 2019 with the expected completion in 2021.
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Cork County Council Little Island Transportation Study
Following the member meeting with Cork County Council and Systra and Barry Consultants on the Little Island Transportation Consultation, Cork Chamber included a submission to the process to represent member concerns and suggestions. Click here to read the full submission.
Regarding short term works discussed at our meeting and listed in our submission, Cork County Council are identifying and costing specific works; which will address particular existing peak hour congestion areas and which will assist in providing additional capacity ahead of the upgrade of the Dunkettle Interchange. The recent upgrading of Island Cross Junction with traffic lights has resulted in improvements for Sitecast and GB industrial Estate in particular.
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NTA Smarter Travel Workplaces
Smarter Travel workplaces is a programme which supports large employers to encourage more sustainable commuting and travel choices among their staff. The programme is operated by the National Transport Authority (NTA) on behalf of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.
The NTA provides free expert advice and support for workplaces to encourage employees to move to smarter ways of traveling whether on foot, by bike, by public transport or through car sharing. It can cut costs for employers, increase health and well-being of staff and help a company to become 'Greener'.
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Cork Bike Scheme Expansion
Cork Chamber believes that the vision for transport in Cork must be based on multiple complimentary and functional modes of transport working together.
Our members have strongly supported the need for an extension to the Coke Zero Public Bike Scheme to provide multi modal transport.
- 85% of those surveyed stated that they would use the scheme if there were additional locations via an expansion
- 55% indicated that an expansion was of high priority.
The Chamber is actively lobbying the NTA for an expansion of the scheme to Little Island train station and throughout the island as part of the solution to traffic management in the area.
National Investment Plan
Little Island traffic will continue to be raised at all relevant departmental meetings, forums and press engagements. Little Island short term alleviators and long-term solutions as per our County Council submission have been formally send to TII, the Department for Transport, Tourism and Sport and the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform in advance of the National Investment Plan which will be published early next year and will be aligned to the Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework.
Most immediately, the Chamber is meeting with TII Senior Management in January 2018.