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October Business Breakfast with Niall Gibbons

Date: Tuesday 11th October
Time: 7.30am – 9.00am
Venue: Kingsley Hotel
Cost: €25 members / €35 non members

Niall Gibbons is the current Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland, the organisation responsible for marketing the island of Ireland overseas.

Niall has led the organisation’s development in the digital arena, with the launch of the global website, and has overseen Tourism Ireland’s emergence as a leader in digital marketing and in the social media space. He led the development of Tourism Ireland’s ‘Global Greening’ initiative, which has brought tourism to the heart of St Patrick’s Day celebrations across the world and which generates positive media coverage worth tens of millions of euro each March for the island of Ireland.


Join with your colleagues to hear about Tourism Ireland’s future plans for marketing Ireland and Cork.


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