In this issue
Subsidised Training
Practical Productivity - Microsoft Outlook
Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)
October Business After Hours
Cork Chamber's Dublin Dinner 2016
Chamber Supported Projects
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Startup Island
Graduate Networking Event for International Students of UCC, Tuesday 18th of October, 5.00 pm – 7.30 pm
Brexit Update
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Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Are you thinking of starting your own business or have recently done so?
The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme could be just for you


This programme is for new entrepreneurs, firmly planning to set up their own business or have already started one within the last three years, Experienced entrepreneurs who own or manage a Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise for more than 3 years min in one of the Participating Countries. For more information please click here

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