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Policy Update
Subsidised Training
Business School @Cork Chamber - PMI Exam Preparation – 28th & 29th November 2012
Business After Hours at the Kilkenny Shop
Eirgrid Informational Event
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Silicon Valley Comes to Ireland
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Policy Update


The Minister for Social Protection recently launched new integrated employment and support services for jobseekers and employers in Cork.  Intreo streamlines a number of services previously provided by FÁS, the Department of Social Protection and Community Welfare Services.  Intreo is based in dedicated offices nationwide and roll out will be complete by 2014.  The scheme provides a wide range of supports and services to assist with employment needs, designed to make sure that companies can access potential employees.  The scheme provides a range of services to employers including:

  • Employment support and advice on a national and European level, giving access to skilled, job ready candidates.  The Jobs Ireland employment services is an online support system for companies looking to recruit
  • JobBridge internships and work placement services
  • Financial supports to companies creating new jobs by minimising cashflow demands.  The Employer (PRSI) Incentive Scheme currently exempts employers from liability to pay their share of PRSI for certain employees and is open to employers who create new and additional jobs.
  • Workplace supports to assist employees with disabilities
  • Advice and access to any employment initiatives relevant to companies.


Further information on this scheme can be found at


Cork Chamber calls for support for Local Business in the run up to ChristmasAs the Christmas light were switched on in the city centre last week, the Chamber calls for support for local business. Read more.     

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