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Jack Lynch Tunnel Maintenance Closure Information

In between these overnight closures period i.e. during the day on Wednesday and Thursday, the N40 including the Tunnel and its approach roads will be open to traffic as normal.

Alternative traffic routes are available via the city centre during the periods of closure as follows:

On the North side of the river, Southbound traffic should travel from the Dunkettle Interchange to the City Centre via the Tivoli dual carriageway and Lower Glanmire Road (N8), and then follow signs for the South Ring (N40) via the South City Link Road (N27).

On the Southern approaches to the Tunnel, Northbound traffic should travel via the Kinsale Road Roundabout to the City Centre via the South City Link Road (N27), and then follow signs for Dublin (N8) and Waterford (N25) via Lower Glanmire Road.

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