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Cork Airport Top Priority for Cork Chamber

As part of Cork Chamber’s ongoing lobbying campaign to secure the future successful development of Cork Airport and safeguard Cork’s connectivity for the region’s business and tourism communities, Cork Chamber has undertaken a series of meetings in recent months, including in the last week meetings with key stakeholders including Ministers and Cork Oireachtas members. The primary purpose of these meetings was to highlight  growing concern at the lack of focus on Cork Airport and the need for measures to be taken to address the decline in activity at Cork Airport.  

During the meetings the Chamber highlighted the instrumental role that Cork’s air connectivity has played and continues to play in attracting inward investment from global market leaders in addition to its pivotal role in serving the needs of the broader indigenous business base and tourism sector in the region. The Chamber also discussed the severe consequences for the business and tourism sectors in the South of Ireland if Cork Airport’s connectivity to key hubs such as Heathrow, Schiphol and Paris are not maintained.

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