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Help identify the main challenges for business in the coming year
Fall in Unemployment Rate, New CSO Data Reveals
Subsidised Training
Practical Productivity - Microsoft Outlook
Certificate in Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)
Cork Chamber's Dublin Dinner 2016
October Business Breakfast with Niall Gibbons
Meet the Buyer Event
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Brexit update
Taste Cork showcasing Cork innovation and expertise
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Help identify the main challenges for business in the coming year

Chambers Ireland in conjunction with the European Economic Survey we have launched a survey asking the Chamber Network for the outlook and expectations of Irish business for 2017.  This is part of the 24th edition of this annual assessment of the European business community’s expectations for the year ahead.

 The results of this survey will be used to help us identify the main challenges for business in the coming year, along with the priority areas that require Government attention. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and the deadline for completion is TODAY. Complete HERE


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