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Subsidised Training
Your Keynote Address
Business After Hours at the Oliver Plunkett
February Business Breakfast with H.E. Dominick Chilcott, British Ambassador
Business Owners Hub
International Opportunities for your Business
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Business Owners Hub

Are you a start-up or an already established SME?

Would you like the opportunity to focus on some key areas of your business with experts in the areas of finance, legal, sales and marketing?

The Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub is where a small group of business owners meet regularly, in a safe and confidential environment to share issues and experiences, helping each other and themselves with the daily challenges facing businesses today.

For more details and to book your place,  contact Leigh / Danielle or please complete the form HERE to apply for your place.

The hubs take place each of the following Tuesdays from 4.30pm-6pm. 

  • Tuesday 23rd February
  • Tuesday 1st March
  • Tuesday 8th March
  • Tuesday 15th March
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