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Enterprise Europe Network Brokerage Events can help you to get from Cork to the World!
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Enterprise Europe Network Brokerage Events can help you to get from Cork to the World!

Enterprise Europe Network brokerage events

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps businesses to find commercial, technological, and research partners across Europe and beyond through its immense network of organisations. One of the matchmaking and internationalisation services offered by the Network are brokerage events and these take place.

Snapshot of upcoming EEN B2B events 
B2B meetings at Biomedica 2015, 2-3 June, Brussels, Belgium:
EEN at Flanders Enterprise are organising a B2B matchmaking event that will take place at Biomedica 2015. This free matchmaking event will provide SMEs, multinationals, research centres, universities, and the health r retail sector to identify international partnerships and to find out more about innovations in the areas of health, medicine and pharmaceuticals. For further information about this event see here.

Meet new contacts at Israel Mobile Summit, 9 June, Tel Aviv, Israel:
Israel Mobile Summit is an annual event and is at the forefront of the Israeli mobile industry. The B2B event is being organised by the EEN and its aim is to support participants in creating worthwhile connections and providing a convenient platform for networking. For further information about this event see here.

EuroNanoForum 2015 Brokerage Event, 12 June, Riga, Latvia:
The B2B event at EuroNanoForum 2015 is an integral part of the overall event and is aimed at both industry and academia who seek potential partners for collaboration and projects. The event will afford attendees the opportunity to find research and business contacts, as well as partners for future EU projects. For further information about this event see here.

Matchmaking at Greater Region Business Days, 17-18 June, Luxembourg
The Greater Region offers opportunities for Irish SMEs in multi-sectors in an area that extends over 65,400 km². It has a population of 11.3 million inhabitants, an open economy represented by 375,000 companies, 37 universities, and 73 research institutes. The matchmaking event will comprise of two days of business meetings. For further information about this event, see here

 View a complete list of upcoming events by searching our Events Calendar. Register to receive free email alerts containing newly published profiles and events.


Contact Katherine here for further information.
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