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What’s In It For Me?!

Influencing & Negotiating Skills

Course Date: 26th & 27th May

Member Rate: €245.00

These influencing and negotiating skills are key skills, that once learned have applicability across both business and life situations.

You will learn how to:

  •  Obtain practical techniques, strategies and skills for influencing others
  •  Be more confident in building rapport effortlessly with clients
  •  Discover their persuasion style and how to make a positive impact in using it
  •  Learn the skills to negotiate to lower overhead and maintain profit margins
  •  Understand the know-how of a negotiation process
  •  Be able to conduct the negotiation using persuasion and influencing skills
  •  Use the different negotiation approaches depending on the situation
  •  Be able to develop consensus in a negotiation process
  • Identify the barriers in achieving a negotiation deal and learn how to deal with objections


This course is only €245.00 for Chamber members so don’t delay, BOOK TODAY!!

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