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EU Sustainable Energy Award

If you are promoting energy efficiency or renewable energy, then check out the EU Sustainable Energy Award.

Award categories:

  • Consumers
    • Rewarding actions leading to the behavioural change of individual energy users
  • Public sector
    • Rewarding public and non-profit organisations taking exemplary initiatives in energy efficiency or use of renewables
  • Businesses
    • Rewarding forward-thinking businesses which are exemplary in their production or use of energy
  • Citizens’ Award
    • Rewarding the nominee which best captures the public imagination.


Initiatives will be judged for their:

  • Excellence in their area and innovation
  • Measurable impact and contribution to the EU’s sustainable energy objectives
  • Replication potential and social acceptance.

Eligibility criteria

  • Geographical scope

The project coordinator must be based in the EU

  • Practical application

Research projects are not eligible. The aim of the Awards is to collect and showcase outstanding projects with a high impact and replication potential. Academic studies and theoretical research projects without any long-term, real-scale application directly linked to renewable energy or energy efficiency are therefore not eligible.

  • Timing

The project must be ongoing or have concluded after 30 June 205. Projects which are still at the planning stage or not yet fully operational are not eligible.


The closing date for receipt of applications is 22nd February.

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