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The Startup Gathering now has in excess of 360 events registered

The survey is being conducted in conjunction with the Startup Gathering, a dedicated week for startups led by the not-for-profit organisation Startup Ireland. The Startup Gathering is supported by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation’s Action Plan for Jobs, and sponsored by Bank of Ireland as key strategic partner. During the week of the Startup Gathering, over 370 events will take place from the 5th to 10th of October in Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Limerick and Galway, with additional Startup Gathering programmes in the North East and North West.

The Startup Gathering is about uniting communities in towns, cities and regions across the country behind their local startups. The events, programmes and initiatives during Startup Gathering week will help create opportunities for startups to collaborate and develop new relationships with the key partners they need to accelerate their growth including enterprise agencies, investors, large corporates, banking, service providers and many others.


This survey will reveal information about the key issues startups face when setting out on their entrepreneurial journey.  It will probe issues such as the obstacles startups currently face in Ireland; the kind of access to support networks that startups have, and the kind of access they need. 


This will help bring us closer to the ambition for Ireland to become a global Startup hub by 2020. We would be grateful if you might share this survey with contacts of yours that are running startups, or connected to, or work with startups to ensure their voice is heard.

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