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Digital Savvy!

Advanced Facebook for Business

30th April, €140.00

With over 1.4 billion people using Facebook worldwide each month and 1.5 million people using Facebook daily in Ireland, Facebook is a perfect place for businesses that want to talk to people. This course is for a business/organisation that regularly uses Facebook and wants to improve on what they’re doing so Facebook starts to be a channel that benefits their organisation.

The course will include the following:

  • Evaluating your Facebook Page and that of your competitors
  • Growing your subscribers (Likes) on Facebook
  • Dealing with “Edgerank” and the issue of declining reach on your page
  • Advertising on Facebook - social ads
  • Building relationships on Facebook
  • Interacting with customers on Facebook
  • Running a combined Facebook Campaign

After completing this module, you will:

  • Know how Facebook works
  • Be able to update or start a business presence for your company
  • Be able to implement a plan that will increase your Facebook subscribers and then use them to gain business or increase your profile


Google Analytics

Course Date: 24th April

Member Rate: €150.00

Venue: River Lee Hotel, Western Road, Cork

Are you swimming in a sea of data? Don’t know where to start when assessing your website traffic?

This course will leave you with a clear understanding of how to get the most out of your Google Analytics account. It will give you:

• A clear understanding of the important metrics to look for in a Google Analytics account

• A demonstration of how you can set-up and use goals and funnels in your own account to assess visitor quality

• Tips on how to produce better reports that contain actionable insights which you can use to power your business

What does this mean?

This course will help you identify the good quality traffic from the poor quality traffic so you can use the reports to get more quality traffic back to your website.

After goal setting we will look at all the different ways to view your customers and you’ll be given a deep-dive into the main Google Analytics reports and learn how to look for and use actionable insights over vanity metrics.

After an in-depth look at getting actionable insights from most of the reports available, we’ll finish off looking at dashboards, custom reporting, scheduling reporting, the top 20 reports and a market overview and forecast.

This one day course is a must do for marketing professionals, IT professionals and all business owners. So don’t delay, BOOK TODAY!


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