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Subsidised Training
Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2015 Winners!
Interview Skills – Develop your Personal Brand!
Cork on Ice Business After Hours
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2015 in association with EY
Introduction to Certification of Green Buildings
Cork Chamber Business Owners Hub
Cork Chamber’s Annual Christmas Lunch in association with Brightwater Recruitment Specialists
The Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI) Singapore
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The Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI) Singapore

Image recognition & shopping on the go service
A Singapore-based company has developed a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution that enables businesses such as hotels, sport venues, airports, gyms etc. to open virtual stores at any physical location, easily & inexpensively. With a tailored mobile app, the app makes on-the-go shopping fast and easy. Shoppers can buy any product or service with our easy to use image and voice recognition tools. Users merely need to scan the image with the app, and with one-click, buy it. For further information about this app see here.

Innovative Clean and Green Fertilizers with High NUE (Nutrient Use Efficiency)
This innovation is a breakthrough plant nutrient technology process that delivers water-insoluble but highly bio-available minerals to plants. It optimises absorption of nutrients by plants, and hence maximises benefits to plants. It uses abundant, renewable, nutrient-rich resources as its starting material to produce novel, new generation liquid fertilizers. 

Benefits such as increased crop yield and quality, increased starch and sugar content and improved root and shoot growth on rice, industrial crops (e.g. oil palm, sugarcane, corn), tuber crops (e.g. potato, sweet potato, cassava) and top fruits (e.g. apple, citrus, banana) have been consistently demonstrated in fields and plantations. For further information about this product offering, click here.

Contact for further information.


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