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Time for Digital Thinking!
February Business Breakfast with H.E. Dominick Chilcott, British Ambassador
Learn, Share, Experience - only two places left!
Your Roadmap to the Internet of Things
March Business After Hours hosted by Regus, Monahan Road
Stepping Stones to the UK
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Time for Digital Thinking!

Digital Marketing/Social Media for Business Course

3rd, 10th, 24th & 31st March

  • Day 1: SEO, Website conversion, maximising web traffic, Google Analytics, Google Advertising and landing pages
  • Day 2: Content Creation for Blog & Website & Facebook for Business
  • Day 3: Twitter for Business and using LinkedIn for lead generation and building your business’s reputation
  • Day 4: The Mobile Future and Devising a Marketing Plan to promote your message and generate business!

This course is a fantastic opportunity to any business that wants to reduce marketing and sales costs, that wants to get more business using social media and wants to reinforce their offline reputation, online!  BOOK NOW!

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