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Economic Trends Survey – How was 2012 for your business?
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Economic Trends Survey – How was 2012 for your business?

Our quarterly economic trends survey is essential to our work representing members on key business issues. The information provided by you in this survey will allow the Chamber to prioritise its lobbying and representation activities for the year ahead. This survey reviews business perspectives on the preceding 12 months including business performance, attitudes to Budget 2013 and examines member priorities for 2013. This survey takes less than five minutes to complete and the results are very important for Chamber lobbying activities with regional stakeholders, state agencies and local and national government.

**Survey Prize**

All respondents who complete this survey will be entered into a draw to win:


An overnight stay for two at the Aghadoe Heights Hotel and Spa where they can relax and unwind in a Lake Side King room with dinner in The Lake Room Restaurant and full Irish breakfast the next morning. 

Aghadoe Heights Hotel and Spa is Ireland's multiple award-winning five star luxury hotel that overlooks the Lakes of Killarney in the heart of County Kerry. Blessed with its breathtaking location and contemporary elegance, visiting Aghadoe Heights Hotel is a truly unique experience. The spectacular surroundings are echoed by the hotel's beautifully appointed bedrooms and suites, lounges, fine dining room and award-winning spa

To begin the survey -  please CLICK HERE or copy and paste the following into your browser

Please complete the Q4 2012 Survey by close of business on Thursday 20th December 2012. All responses will be treated in the strictest confidence and the results will be presented in aggregate format only.

The Policy Department would like to thank you for your continued input into our work and looks forward to working with you in the New Year.

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