In this issue
Purple Flag proudly displayed at Kent Station
Knowledge Transfer Ireland – connecting business with cutting edge research
€600,000 Funding Programme for Social Entrepreneurs
Subsidised Training
Revitalise your Corporate Communications!
April Business Breakfast featuring Seamus Fives, Pfizer
April Business After Hours hosted by Tyco, onealbertquay
Women in Leadership Executive Lunch
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Knowledge Transfer Ireland – connecting business with cutting edge research
The Irish Government’s €52M investment in technology transfer (2007-2016) focuses on providing a streamlined process that delivers effective commercialisation of research, and KTI work directly to support the development of Ireland’s knowledge transfer infrastructure. To learn more about KTI or to view the ‘Research Map of Ireland’ which contains access to approximately 8,000 researchers based in various research performing organisations nationally please access more information on KTI via their website 
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