In this issue
Cork Chamber calls for N28 to be Prioritised
Purple Ambitions Striving Forward
Local Economic and Community Plan
Subsidised Training
New Training Skillnet
Strengthening and Building on Cork's Successes in Asia
Chamber Supported Events
Countdown to SeaFest
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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New Training Skillnet

Cork Chamber is currently assessing the feasibility of establishing a training network which could specialise in the marine and/or agri-food sectors. Whilst we acknowledge that there are a number of training supports currently available for these sectors, we are seeking to address any gaps that may be apparent and establish a specific industry need.


The purpose of this survey is to gauge the level of interest for training in these sectors and to ascertain what training would be of relevance. Please complete the survey HERE


There will be a prize of a training voucher of €250 for BiznetCork Skillnet, the Cork Chamber Business School and the winner will be drawn at random next Friday, 10th July. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Aoife Dunne, Business School Executive on 021 4530141.

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