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Final Chance to tell us how Q3 was for your Business?
Have Your Say: National Tourism Policy Statement
Subsidised Training
Psst – We have a secret to share!!
Lehane Motors @ the Rochestown Park Hotel
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner in association with EY
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Rebel Week – Be Part of it!
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Closing date approaches for Cork innovates Bursary
Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber
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Enterprise Europe Network at Cork Chamber

Enterprise Europe Network ‘Venture Capital Seminar’, November 6, Imperial Hotel

The third part of the 'Access to Finance Series' will focus on Venture Capital (VC) and will give an introduction to the basics of investment funding; outline the difference between a VC investment and a business angel investment; outline the types of companies/sectors that are most likely to attract VC/angel investment; outline the stage when a business is likely to attract private investment; provide an overview of the 'Valley of Death'; and give examples of projects invested in by private equity firms. To register for the event, click here or contact for further information.


ICT 2013

ICT 2013 ‘Create, Connect, Grow’ will take place in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 6-8 November, 2013. The event will include researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, young people and politicians are expected in Vilnius. The event will focus on Horizon 2020, the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020. The conference will feature top ICT professionals from industry, academia and research. Speakers from across the ICT sector will address a range of issues from cloud computing, broadband, ICT infrastructures, ICT skills, cyber security, long-term visions on the future and much more. Experts will present details on how to participate in Horizon 2020. For further information and to register for the event, please click here.  


Business Partnership Opportunities

Researchers based in Northern Ireland have developed and optimised a system for high pressure processing (HPP) that can be used in food. HPP is a simple and cost effective treatment that can make food safer to eat and extend shelf-life without reducing vitamin content and without altering flavour, texture or appearance. The group is keen to enter commercial agreements with industry or to collaborate on research programmes with other academics. For further information, please contact and quote Ref. 12 GB 39N3 3OM6.

A UK company, based in Wales, develops, manufactures and distributes a wide range of food allergen testing products. In addition to laboratory tests, they have developed innovative flow through tests for use in food production facilities. They are looking for a wider network of trade intermediaries in Ireland. The key personnel have over thirty years’ experience in the field of in vitro diagnostic testing and the company is dedicated to meeting customer needs. The preferred distributor will have well-established routes to market, and will be able to provide technical support in their territory. For further information, please contact and quote Ref. 20121220114.

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