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Survey Prize Winner
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Food for Thought: Trends and Opportunities in the UK Food and Drink Market
Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
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Modern Utility Services to support Economic Development
September Business Breakfast in association with Irish Examiner

Date: 10th September
Time: 07:30 - 09:00
Venue: Cork International Hotel
Cost: €25 Members / €30 Non members 
To book: here

The Cork Chamber September Business Breakfast will feature Michael McNicholas, Group CEO of Ervia, the commercial semi-state company with responsibility for the delivery of strategic national gas and water infrastructure and services in Ireland and a key employer in Cork.

Michael will share insights with Cork Chamber members and guests on establishing Ireland’s first multi-utility infrastructure and services company, outline the urgent problems in Ireland’s water sector and Irish Water’s plans to transform water services delivery in Ireland. Growth of the Irish gas market is central to the Gas Networks Ireland business strategy and Michael will describe the gas utility’s plans including those for renewable gas and compressed natural gas as a transport fuel.



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