In This Issue
'Smarter Steps to Success' - Annual Conference 2012 - 3rd October
Business Breakfast Series
Policy Update
Training Update
International Update
Noel Deasy Cars Ltd Service - Offer
Clarion Hotel - Offer
The Brehon Hotel - Christmas Party Offers
Cork Opera House Autumn Winter Season House Announced
Paperdolls - Grand Opening - Event
Ballinacurra House - Strictly Private Jazz Club
The Gallery Kinsale - Event
Let's Talk Fashion - Event
Rebel Corporate - Christmas Ideas
Run In the Dark
The European Commission Representation in Ireland - Evening Seminar - Event
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Policy Update

Economic Survey Reminder

Our quarterly economic trends survey is essential to our work in representing members on key business issues. The results will assist the Chamber in building its lobbying and representation activities and presenting Cork’s business case to Government. Please take five minutes to respond so we can assist you. 

We would appreciate your company’s response to our Q3 survey by close of business this Friday 28th at 5pm.  To complete the survey click here or visit  All survey respondents will be entered into a draw for  €500 of Training with Biznetcork Skillnet @ Cork Chamber.

Cork City Centre Movement Strategy Submission

The Chamber has recently prepared a submission for the “Cork City Centre Movement Strategy (CCMS)” Plan.  This plan will design and develop a strategy for the efficient and effective movement of all transport modes in the City Centre.  The Chamber fully supports improved access to the city centre which will facilitate the ease of doing business and encourage economic development.  The Chamber recommended the importance of a modern and integrated public transport system, a number of innovative ways to increase mobility and ease parking issues and the development of new and enhanced cycle paths.  The Chamber highlighted continued support for the Smarter Travel Initiative and the Docklands.  Further information can be found on our website.


