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Smarter SI – Your opportunity to gain access to ‘smart products’

Smarter SI is a European research project and in Cork, it is hosted in Tyndall National Institute. The programme offers the opportunity for Irish SMEs to gain access to ‘smart products’. Smarter SI joins up manufacturing infrastructure and drives cooperation between European research and technology organisations and SMEs.


Tyndall would be delighted for Cork SMEs’ participation in the project and to bring in their ideas of ‘smart products’, with the assistance of the EU’s financial resources allocated to the Smarter SI project.

Until the end of 2015, a jury of industry representatives will choose product ideas from the submitted propositions. Selective criteria will be the novelty of the idea, challenging technology mix, feasibility at short notice as well as the market potential of the targeted product. For further information, please contact Dr. Eric Moore or Dr. Patricia Vazquez at Tyndall National Institute.

Horizon 2020 Opportunities

There are a wide range of calls for proposals in the portal. Here is just a sample of what is currently available:

Topic: Communication and Awareness

Types of Action: Bio-based Industries Coordination and Support action

Specific Challenge:

Enhancing the awareness of the broad public on bio-based products and applications and their benefits is essential for the public acceptance and the success of a bio economy. This requires a comprehensive and continuing communication programme with ‘science-based’ facts and figures and well-formulated key messages, which address capabilities and benefits as well as risk management of (new) bio-based products. The specific challenge is to communicate at the right moments, with the appropriate key messages on what bio-based products are and can be used for, their benefits for man and environment and the role of the bio-based industries, while also addressing the concerns of the society. This communication programme needs to closely cooperate with communications programmes within H2020 on bio-based products and to regional activities addressing the same to achieve synergy.


Develop well-formulated, science-based facts and figures on bio-based products, key messages on benefits and risk management, addressing societal concerns. Develop case studies on practical solutions for end-users and involve organisations representing the society at large. A communication programme utilising the appropriate key messages for the target audiences should also include a feedback loop to incorporate citizens reactions and for continuous improvement of the programme. Other key messages should include the benefits of a bio-economy, and the contributions the bio-based industries bring to communities at large in terms of jobs and economic growth, of welfare and wealth. Proposals should address the following elements:

  • Case studies on specific practical solutions for end-consumers that cater to societal needs or concerns.
  • Consultations with the involved stakeholders in order to ensure that the developed ‘common language’ for communicating across value chains is meaningful and will be accepted by the broader stakeholders’ communities.
  • Produce tailored communication tools, including workshops, conferences and exhibitions for the respective target audiences to maximise outreach and facilitate debate.
  • Carry out market surveys to measure progress in consumers’ engagement, market-uptake of bio-based products, and public acceptance of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bio-based industries. Survey results should be used to adapt priorities and communication key messages.
  • Increase public confidence by providing clear information on the performance, (comparative) functionality and end-of-life options of bio-based products.
  • Develop together with societal and research organisations and in cooperation with educational organisations teaching materials for use in educational systems at various levels (primary, secondary, vocational, university) across the EU.
  • Explore possibilities for synergy with regional activities and EU initiatives (e.g. European Innovation Partnerships) that address similar needs.
  • Build on and coordinate with ongoing Horizon 2020 projects dealing with communication and public consultation in the field of the bio-based products communication programme to overcome the lack of information on bio-based products and to mobilise engagement and raise awareness among citizens and various stakeholder groups.

It is considered that proposals with a total eligible budget of up to EUR 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals with another budget.


Expected Impact:

  • Measured increase of societal confidence related to (new) bio-based products and bio-based industries.
  • Measured increase of awareness and acceptance of bio-based products by society.
  • Increased engagement by end-consumers in a bio-economy.

Deadline: 3 December 2015


To apply for this submission, click here.


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