In this issue
Would you like to receive regular policy related press releases?
Subsidised Training
Does your work day revolve around your Inbox??!!
Business Breakfast with Caroline Dowling, Flextronics
Business Owners Hub
Chamber Supported Events
How to use LinkedIn to Hire/Market/Sell
Chamber Supported Projects
National Job Shadow Day, 9th April
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
Member Updates
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Member Events
Taking Care of Business
Date: 1st April
Time: 8:30am - 2:30pm
Venue: Silver Springs
Cost: Free
To book: online HERE or email HERE

These events have been specifically designed to help small and start-up businesses understand and benefit from the services provided by many of our State offices and agencies.

By attending one of these events you will:

  • Meet with representatives from a range of State offices and agencies throughout the event
  • Get practical information and advice
  • Find out ways to save your business money
  • Get supports and tools to assist you in your business

More information available here

Original Rogue Trader, Nick Leeson speaks in Cork

Date: 25th March (Clarion Hotel, Cork) 26th March (Killarney Plaza, Kerry)
Time:  7:30pm (Cork) 1pm (Kerry)
Cost: Free
To book: Please contact Katie at to make a reservation

Original rogue trader, Nick Leeson comes to Cork! Nick will be Guest Speaker at an event sponsored by GDP Partnership, taking place on 25th March at 7.30pm in the Clarion Hotel and 26th March at 1pm in the Killarney Plaza. The event is designed to open up discussions around banking policy and debt and help empower individuals and business owners to take control of their financial situation.

[Read more]

Innovate Through Challenge
Date: 8th May
Time: 8.30am
Venue: Rochestown Park, Cork
Cost: FREE
To book: HERE

Ambitious CEOs and MDs - attend a FREE two-hour briefing session to find out about tools and techniques used in Challenge. Take these away and use in your business. You will see how world-class companies excel in bringing products and services to market quickly and with less risk.