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Fast Track to Innovation pilot programme

Fast Track to Innovation pilot programme

The European Commission’s Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) pilot programme provides funding to businesses for “close-to-market” innovation projects in any area of technology or application. The FTI Pilot will be implemented in 2015-2016 as a new initiative under Horizon 2020 and has a budget of €200 million.  

The aim of the programme is to:

  • reduce time from idea to market,
  • stimulate the participation of first-time applicants (including SMEs) to apply for EU research funding, and
  • increase private sector investment in research and innovation


Actions funded under the pilot are to be ‘business-driven’ because they are intended to give promising innovation ideas the last push before entering the market. Therefore, substantial industry involvement will be mandatory to ensure quick market take-up (‘quick’ meaning within a three-year period after the start of the programme). 


Proposals can be submitted at any time with three cut-off dates in 2015: 29 April, 1 September and 1 December.


For more information about the FTI see the EC site or contact  


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