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Ireland’s Economic Recovery: What Next?
The Department of Finance SME Credit and Funding Newsletter
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Cork Chamber Business After Hours at Intel Security
Winning Public Sector Business Workshop
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Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber

Accessing the UK Market

Part 1: 08.00-12.00 – Seminar: Accessing the UK Market

The first part of the event will include presentations from the Rubicon Centre (TESLA project), Enterprise Europe Network, UKTI and JMB Partnership (UK).  Frank Madden of CREST solutions will provide the case study and outline his company’s UK journey. For the full programme see here.


Part 2: 12.30-16.30 – Workshop: Winning Public Sector Business

Following the lunch break, attendees will have the option of booking 1:1 meetings with the support agencies at the seminar, or of registering for a FREE half day workshop on “Winning public sector business”, hosted by the Enterprise Europe Network. 

Participants at the public procurement workshop will learn how to identify suitable tenders, avoid the typical mistakes and pick up tips and best practice when completing a tender document.  Public Procurement expert Toni Saraiva will help participants to understand how to give themselves the best chance of winning public sector contracts.

To register for this seminar on ‘Accessing the UK Market’ please email and specify if you would like to avail of 1:1 meetings with any of the support agencies afterwards.  (The public procurement workshop is almost full at this point, however we will be operating a waiting list system, should places become available in the next few weeks.  Contact for more information).


Clean Technologies Business Mission to Singapore and Vietnam, June 2015

EU Business Avenues aims to strengthen the presence of European SMEs in Southeast Asia by organising one week business missions to Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. Its aim is to provide strategic, logistic and financial EU support for European SMEs in gaining first-hand experience of Southeast Asian markets and to establish business contacts with companies there. Participating European SMEs are offered a package of matchmaking, networking, coaching and customised support services.

A Clean Technologies sector business mission, financed by the European Commission, will take place from 15 to 19 June 2015. The mission will include an exhibition in Singapore on 16 and 17 June and an optional business visit to Vietnam is planned for 18 and 19 June. This business mission is open to SMEs who are active in the water, environment, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Participating companies will benefit from matchmaking services, sector briefings and networking events and will receive €1000 worth of financing to cover their accommodation costs. If you’re interested in applying for this programme, apply through before 6 February 2015.

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