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Make your online presence work for you!

Facebook for Business – 30th April - €140.00

With over 1.4 billion people using Facebook worldwide each month and 1.5 million people using Facebook daily in Ireland, Facebook is a perfect place for businesses that want to talk to people. This course is for a business/organization that regularly uses Facebook and wants to improve on what they’re doing so Facebook starts to be a channel that benefits their organisation.

The course will include the following:

  • Evaluating your Facebook Page and that of your competitors
  • Growing your subscribers (Likes) on Facebook
  • Dealing with “Edgerank” and the issue of declining reach on your page
  • Advertising on Facebook - social ads
  • Building relationships on Facebook
  • Interacting with customers on Facebook
  • Running a combined Facebook Campaign


Twitter for Business – 7th May - €140.00

Twitter is now the place where news breaks around the world. With everyone sharing links and photos with the second biggest social network in the world, Twitter is a space for both consumer marketing and B2B marketing. This course is for a business/organization that regularly uses Twitter and wants to improve on what they’re doing so that their Twitter account starts to be a channel that benefits their organisation.

This course will include the following:

  • Evaluating your Twitter profile
  • How to use Twitter
  • What methods businesses are using Twitter in order to market and build brand recognition
  • How to add value 140 characters at a time
  • How Twitter Hashtags can benefit your company
  • Growing your Twitter following and Twitter Advertising
  • Automating your Twitter
  • Twitter Analytics
  • Using Twitter Cards to generate leads
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