In this issue
Ireland’s Economic Recovery: What Next?
The Department of Finance SME Credit and Funding Newsletter
Subsidised Training
Can we say 2015 yet??
Cork Chamber Business After Hours at Intel Security
Winning Public Sector Business Workshop
Annual Christmas Lunch
Exporting over the holidays?
Ireland India Business Association Christmas Drinks Reception, Radisson Blu Hotel, 4th December
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
Member Updates
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Ireland’s Economic Recovery: What Next?

On Friday, November 28th, Cork Chamber and the European Commission held a major conference which focused on Ireland’s Economic Recovery. The event, held in Cork County Hall  was addressed by leading policy makers including the Tánaiste Joan Burton, Ministers Simon Coveney and Dara Murphy as well as a host of influencers from the private and public sectors, academia, and the European Commission.

The Conference focused on the European Union’s arrangements for improved economic governance; the European Semester, aimed at creating and consolidating the conditions for growth across the EU. Opening the conference Minister for Agriculture, Food, the Marine and Defence, Simon Coveney TD said, “The recovery in the Irish economy is an ongoing process and the role of the European Semester and the Country Specific Recommendations are key to sustaining this recovery. Events such as this play a crucial role in the debate on the next steps that will drive innovation and continued growth in the economy.”


Speakers gave attendees an understanding of what the European Semester is and the implications it will have for Ireland and for the Irish economy. It also examined what Ireland’s economic policy and reform priorities should be in the years ahead to improve the competitiveness of businesses operation in the region. Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, who delivered the closing address said: "The first stage of Ireland’s recovery is complete. A social recovery is as necessary in the wider EU as it is in Ireland, and Ireland can lead the way and demonstrate the route."

The Department of Finance SME Credit and Funding Newsletter

The Department of Finance issued a newsletter on Monday the 24th of November which explains the role and services of the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SCBI). The special edition newsletter was published under the Government’s Action for Jobs Plan following the establishment of the SBCI and Budget 2015. The Department of Finance issued the newsletter with an aim to announce the progress in lending and funding for SMEs. To read the full newsletter please see here.


Subsidised Training
Can we say 2015 yet??

I know it’s only the 3rd of December but we’re already looking to January 2015 and we hope you will too!! Here’s a sample of the courses we have coming up in early 2015:

Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any training courses you would like to see on our Training Calendar for 2015! /

Personal Productivity using MS Outlook

Course Date: 14th January

Member Rate: €140.00

Would you like to have an EMPTY INBOX at the end of each day?!

Would you like to have an organised system that will help you work more effectively on a daily basis

Then this course is for you! It will provide you with a totally practical and workable solution to managing your workload and time more effectively.

The emphasis of the day is the practical application of the 'Time Management Best Practice' theory using MS Outlook as the tool. This course has been designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and competencies to effectively use Outlook as your organisational tool.

Following this course participants will:

  • Be aware of Time Management theory (Best Practice)
  • Be familiar with MS Outlook Shortcut Keys
  • Be able to use timesaving everyday functionality in MS Outlook
  • Have customised Outlook to make it work more effectively as a time management tool
  • Know how to create tasks in order to prioritise and manage workload
  • Know how to create tasks directly from email as an effective method of deferring less urgent work
  • Have the ability to use the calendar and tasks to manage working days realistically
  • Able to collaborate with other users through meeting invitations, sharing calendars etc.

This course is ideal for anyone who feels that there aren’t enough hours in the day and who is overwhelmed by their workload. This course is only €140.00 for Chamber members so don’t delay, BOOK TODAY!


Effective Presentation Skills

Course Date: 27th January

Member Rate: €130.00

This course will help the participant understand presentation techniques and how to effectively use various “Spices” to enhance their presentation. A practical hands-on approach is taken, allowing participants to practice and deliver their presentations a number of times throughout the day. One of these sessions is recorded and feedback will be offered.

The main objectives are:

  • Understand the importance of knowing your audience
  • Plan an effective presentation
  • Overcome Nerves
  • Beginning and ending a presentation successfully
  • Be familiar with a strong presentation structure
  • Getting the audience’s attention and keeping it
  • Establishing the audience's attention and keeping it
  • Properly using your eyes, hands, voice and stance
  • Handling Q & A

Who should attend?

This course is ideal for anyone who would like to gain confidence when designing and delivering a presentation and would like to learn a process that can be applied for all future presentations.

Participants should come to the course with a Presentation topic in mind. When choosing your topic, bear in mind that initially you will build your presentation around your chosen topic and deliver it at the end of the day. Therefore, it should be a topic that you are familiar with and one that you would be comfortable speaking on. It can, but does not have to be work related.

Following this course, participants will know how to structure a presentation to gain maximum effect and impact, control their nerves and convey a professional image through the presentation.


E-Mail & Business Writing Course

Course Date: 29th January

Member Rate: €140.00

This course is designed to give the participants an understanding of the importance of written communication in delivering the core message of their organisation and its brand. Specifically, it will present the techniques to create e-mails and documents with a clear, logical structure to organise their ideas and key points. It will have a practical focus with the participants creating and completing the exercises which demonstrate the salient points of grammar etc.

Following this course, you will:

  • Understand the importance of active management of the written communication process as an essential skill in getting the information from others, setting clear direction, building trust and creating and maintaining customer relationships
  • Understand that writing clearly is a professional business skill
  • Have a logical structure to create effective e-mails
  • Realise that the content and tone of their emails can influence the reactions of the readers
  • Know how to properly structure e-mails
  • Avoid common grammar and punctuation errors
  • Practice the techniques and tips to create professional emails and create an action plan to apply them
  • Recognise that professional writing is a career skill which enhances employability

This course will include:

  • Writing to represent your brand
  • Back to basics
  • Choosing your words carefully
  • Special kinds of business writing
  • Good business style
  • E-Mail as a communication tool
  • Internal e-mail
  • Writing for a global audience

This one day course is ideal for those people who are responsible for communicating in writing with internal and/or external customers or clients so BOOK NOW!


Cork Chamber Business After Hours at Intel Security

Date: Wednesday 3rd December
Time: 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Intel Security, City Gate, Mahon
Cost: FREE for Chamber members
To book: HERE  

Cork Chamber is delighted to bring you the final Business After Hours Networking event of 2014. This event will take place on Wednesday 3rd December in the offices of Intel Security, City Gate, Mahon.

McAfee, Part of Intel Security, is the world’s largest dedicated security technology company. Delivering proactive and proven solutions and services that help secure systems and networks around the world, Intel Security protects consumers and businesses of all sizes from the latest malware and emerging online threats.

Winning Public Sector Business Workshop

Date: Wednesday, 10th December
Time: 12:30 - 16:30
Cost: Free
To book: here

The Enterprise Europe Network is running a FREE workshop on 10th December in CIT. The aim of this workshop is to help Irish businesses find and then bid for public sector business opportunities. The workshop aims to teach businesses how to avoid the typical mistakes and pick up tips and best practice when completing a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ), invitation to tender (ITT) or tender documents. 

This workshop takes place as part of a one-day event on "Accessing the UK Market", which is hosted by the Rubicon Centre in CIT.  For more information on the morning seminar, which will detail supports and opportunities in the UK market, see the International Section below.

To register your place for this event, please click here or email Katherine here for more information. 

Annual Christmas Lunch
In Association With Brightwater Recruitment Specialists

Date: Friday, 12th December
Time: 12:30pm - 15:30pm
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island
Cost: €60 members / €75
To book: HERE

Cork Chamber in association with Brightwater Recruitment Specialists are delighted to bring you the Annual Christmas Lunch, which will this year take place on Friday 12th December in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island and is held in partnership with the Marketing Institute of Ireland Cork Branch.

This annual event continues to be one of the most popular Chamber events, with a fantastic festive buzz, a fun and relaxed way to network, as well as our regular charity raffle with plenty of fantastic prizes up for grabs on the day. Our keynote speaker will be John Lonergan, former Governor of Mountjoy Prison.

Join the conversation on Twitter #onthe12thdayofchristmas


Exporting over the holidays?

Cork Chamber will close at 5.00pm Tuesday 23rd December 2014 until 9.00am Friday January 2nd 2015. If your company will require export certification over the holiday period please contact Imelda at 021-4530130 or email here to make alternative arrangements.  

Ireland India Business Association Christmas Drinks Reception, Radisson Blu Hotel, 4th December

Join the Cork Chapter of the Ireland India Business Association for a festive drink at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, on Thursday 4th December. The reception begins at 6pm, and the evening will include a presentation by George Kiely (Enterprise Ireland) on EI activties and supports for SMEs that are targeting the Indian market.  Book your place here!

Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber

Top tips for accessing the UK market! 

On Wednesday 10th December the EEN is collaborating with the Rubicon Centre on a 2-part event, which will give participants top tips on accessing the UK market (particularly for the ICT and food/drink sectors), UK public procurement contracts and SME supports.  The morning seminar takes place from 8am-12pm and is followed by optional 1:1 meetings with support agencies, or a public procurement workshop in the afternoon.  See read more below for full details.   

Suggestions and Feedback for the 2015 Events Calendar
The International Team at Cork Chamber is looking for your suggestions and feedback on events and supports that you would like us to run in 2015.  Whether your request is for a particular country-specific event, a sector focused workshop or a guidebook on a particular element of EU legislation, please send us your ideas and we will do our best to ensure that our 2015 work programme fits your needs. Email with your suggestions and comments.

Clean Technologies Business Mission to Singapore and Vietnam, June 2015

SMEs operating in the Clean Technologies Sector are invited to apply for a place on a week-long business mission to Southeast Asia in June 2015.  See 'read more' below for further details. 

Accessing the UK Market

Part 1: 08.00-12.00 – Seminar: Accessing the UK Market

The first part of the event will include presentations from the Rubicon Centre (TESLA project), Enterprise Europe Network, UKTI and JMB Partnership (UK).  Frank Madden of CREST solutions will provide the case study and outline his company’s UK journey. For the full programme see here.


Part 2: 12.30-16.30 – Workshop: Winning Public Sector Business

Following the lunch break, attendees will have the option of booking 1:1 meetings with the support agencies at the seminar, or of registering for a FREE half day workshop on “Winning public sector business”, hosted by the Enterprise Europe Network. 

Participants at the public procurement workshop will learn how to identify suitable tenders, avoid the typical mistakes and pick up tips and best practice when completing a tender document.  Public Procurement expert Toni Saraiva will help participants to understand how to give themselves the best chance of winning public sector contracts.

To register for this seminar on ‘Accessing the UK Market’ please email and specify if you would like to avail of 1:1 meetings with any of the support agencies afterwards.  (The public procurement workshop is almost full at this point, however we will be operating a waiting list system, should places become available in the next few weeks.  Contact for more information).


Clean Technologies Business Mission to Singapore and Vietnam, June 2015

EU Business Avenues aims to strengthen the presence of European SMEs in Southeast Asia by organising one week business missions to Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. Its aim is to provide strategic, logistic and financial EU support for European SMEs in gaining first-hand experience of Southeast Asian markets and to establish business contacts with companies there. Participating European SMEs are offered a package of matchmaking, networking, coaching and customised support services.

A Clean Technologies sector business mission, financed by the European Commission, will take place from 15 to 19 June 2015. The mission will include an exhibition in Singapore on 16 and 17 June and an optional business visit to Vietnam is planned for 18 and 19 June. This business mission is open to SMEs who are active in the water, environment, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Participating companies will benefit from matchmaking services, sector briefings and networking events and will receive €1000 worth of financing to cover their accommodation costs. If you’re interested in applying for this programme, apply through before 6 February 2015.

Chamber Economic Bulletin Sponsored by Kernel Capital
Cork Chamber is delighted to announce Kernel Capital as sponsors of our prestigious quarterly report, the Economic Bulletin. Widely regarded for its informative commentary and analysis on the national and regional economy. Kernel Capital are synonymous with supporting people of exceptional vision and drive innovation, creating new products and services, making this an ideal partnership to showcase the economic stories of our region.

Read the latest Quarterly Economic Bulletin here

News Updates
1. Cork Is Glowing! - Read More HERE 
2. A 'Carols By Candlelight' Concert - Read More HERE 
3. Cork Company Compliance & Risks Named ICT Exporter Of The Year 2014 - Read More HERE
Ireland Can Lead The Way For A Social Recovery - Read More HERE
5. Fota Wildlife Park And StudioForty9 Bring Prestigious Award Home To Cork - Read More HERE
6. DPS Engineering Celebrates 40 Years Of Success With Jobs Announcement - Read More HERE

Member Events
Cork Wine School Courses Starting in New Year – Great Christmas Gift!
Date: Level 1: January 24th Level 2: March 26th –June 4th Level 3: February 17th – June 2nd
Time: Level 1: 9am-5pm    Level 2: 7pm-9pm  Level 3: 7pm-9pm 
Venue: Clarion Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork
Cost: Level 1: €195 Level 2: €435 Level 3: €710
To book: Phone: 021-4296060 or Email: here 

  • Courses delivered by Wine Expert Gary O’Donovan with over 20 years lecturing experience.
  • Internationally recognised certification from Wine & Spirit Education Trust.
  • Level 1: 1 Day Course 9am-5pm Saturday 24th January
  • Level 2: 9 week course 7-9pm Tuesdays  March 26th – June 4th
  • Level 3: 15 week course 7-9pm Thursdays  February 17th – June 2nd
  • Gift Vouchers Available – The Perfect Christmas Gift for the Wine Lovers!

O’Donovan’s Off Licence would like to wish all Cork Chamber members a Happy Christmas and a prosperous trading season. See our Christmas Brochure here

Fundraiser for Médecins Sans Frontières
Date:Thursday,11th December
Time: from 10am to 1pm
Venue: Media House, Crawford Business Park, Cork

Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the international organisation which is currently at the forefront of the fight to contain the life-threatening disease, Ebola, will benefit from a fundraiser by Hopkins Communications as it plans a Christmas Coffee Morning at its offices at Media House, Crawford Business Park, Cork on Thursday 11th December from 10am to 1pm.

'Carols by Candlelight' Concert in aid of the Cork Association for Autism

Date: Friday, December 12th
Time: 8pm
Venue: St. Patrick's Church, Lower Glanmire Road, Cork City
Cost: €15
To book: here 


Funds raised will benefit the Cork Association for Autism (CAA) who provide support services to adults on the autistic spectrum. Choirs performing on the night include Note Perfect, Cork Garda Male Voice Choir, Rainbow Lyrics, The Cork Prison Officers Male Voice Choir and The Choir of St. Patrick’s. Young tenor Kevin Walsh who avails of the Cork Association for Autism services will also perform as a special guest on the night. The programme for the evening will include well known favourites such as; See Amid the Winter’s Snow, The Holly and the Ivy and Oh Holy Night.

This not-to-be-missed concert will raise funds for the provision of services for adults with Autism and Asperger Syndrome to ensure they and their families have a better quality of life. 200 adults avail of the CAA services which include residential care, respite, day service, home support and an Asperger Syndrome Support Service.

The CAA are currently fundraising for their ‘Building for the Future’ project which involves essential building and repair work at their service centres. 

Tickets cost €15 for the concert and can be purchased from the Cork Association for Autism Fundraising office at 18 Cook St, Cork City, from St Patrick's Church or online here orTelephone 021 427 1808 for more information.

Breakthrough Cancer Research Afternoon Tea & Fashion Showcase

Date: Sunday, January 4th
Time: 2 - 6pm.
Venue: The Kingsley, Cork
Cost:  €35
To book: Email Helena here  call 1890 998 998 or purchase them online here 


The Perfect Christmas Gift. The Kingsley, Cork, Sunday 4th January 2015, 2 - 6pm. Your ticket to this exclusive event includes a drinks reception on arrival, a sumptuous Afternoon Tea, a Fashion Showcase of Munster’s top boutiques by confidence and lifestyle coach Councillor, Claire Cullinane.

Other treats on the day include hair styling with The Style House, Tower, pampering treatments from The Spa at the Kingsley and Glamity Jane of Shiseido. Guest MC on the day is Sandra Murphy of the Rising Tide Restaurant & Bar and there will be spot prizes, goody bags and much more.  Also ladies, make sure you come dressed to impress for the Best Dressed Ladies Competition!