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Final Chance - Have Your Say: Chamber's 2013 Economic Overview Survey Extended to Thursday 9th January
Cork Chamber calls for immediate action to protect city against flooding risks
Have Your Say: Cork Airport Master Plan
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Have Your Say: Cork Airport Master Plan

Cork Airport is currently preparing an Airport Master Plan which will guide the development of Cork Airport over the next ten years.  The Airport Master Plan aims to:

  • Guide for the development of facilities – both aviation and non-aviation;
  • Guide for land use in and around the airport
  • Guide for the development of commercial opportunities; and
  • A high level environmental framework.

The Master Plan development process includes a stakeholder consultation and Cork Chamber is preparing a submission as part of this process.  We invite members to email their perspectives on the key elements that they believe should be incorporated into a ten year Cork Airport Master Plan to by COB on 16th January 2014.


The Cork Airport Master Plan stakeholder consultation document can be accessed here.    
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