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Positive start to 2015 for Fermoy with 100 jobs announced
Subsidised Training
Kickstart Your Year!
Cork Chamber Networking Master Class 2015
The Sky Is The Limit
Announcing Online Shop for Certificates
Enterprise Europe Network At Cork Chamber
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Kickstart Your Year!

MS Excel (Advanced) 2007/2010

Course Date: 20th January 

Member Rate: €110.00

This course is designed to follow-on from the MS Excel Intermediate course. Having already familiarised yourself with the most efficient way of performing everyday tasks, and having covered some intermediate tasks, it is now time to build on that knowledge. A large proportion of the course is dedicated to using the Database Features in MS Excel - this is a very powerful side to Excel that not many people utilise to its fullest potential. Useful functions such as IF and Lookups are covered in addition to automating tasks using Macros etc.


Project Management Professional (3 days) (PMBOK Version 5)

Course Dates:  21st – 23rd January

Member Rate: €420.00

Project Management Professional is designed to establish a detailed understanding of Project Management terms, concepts and methodologies. The hands-on approach of this course ensures trainees “learn by doing” and gain a step-by-step, real-time experience of using the tools and implementing the methodologies and support structures. In simulating real-life environments, trainees gather the detailed knowledge required to apply the training on return to their work environment.

The Project Management course is designed to be practical and help people apply the knowledge to the workplace. The course uses PMBOK Guide Version 5 as its reference and so helps prepare people for PMI certification.

The trainers are expert on multiple project management systems so if a specific company has questions on practical application of theory they are able to answer and give examples of how these systems are used in real life.

A soft copy of tools and PMBOK-compliant templates that participants can take away and use when they are back in the workplace are provided.


Effective Presentation Skills

Course Date: 27th January

Member Rate: €130.00

This course combines the perfect balance of theory with practical presentation techniques over one day resulting in a comprehensive training course giving participants the skills required to deliver effective presentations in a clear, concise and confident manner. Participants will learn how to structure a presentation to gain maximum effect and impact, control their nerves and convey a professional image through the presentation.

Participants will practice and deliver their presentation a number of times throughout the day. One of these sessions is recorded and feedback will be offered.


E-Mail & Business Writing Course

Course Date: 29th January

Member Rate: €140.00

This course is designed to give the participants an understanding of the importance of written communication in delivering the core message of their organisation and its brand. Specifically, it will present the techniques to create e-mails and documents with a clear, logical structure to organise their ideas and key points. It will have a practical focus with the participants creating and completing the exercises which demonstrate the salient points of grammar etc.



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