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Influencing & Negotiating Skills

Course Dates: 11th & 12th March

Member Rate: €245.00

Is this course for me?

This course is ideal for anyone who wishes to improve their persuading, influencing and negotiating skills. This is particularly relevant for anyone in the areas of marketing, sales, advertising & buying.


What’s in it for Me?

Once you complete this course, you will:

  • acquire the skills to prepare and plan effectively for negotiations;
  • understand the roles and functions people play within the customer’s organisation with whom they are negotiating;
  • develop an awareness of strategies to deal with people in the customer organisation;
  • cultivate the persuasive style of conducting a professional sales negotiation;
  • understand how customer behaviour can influence the negotiation strategy, and
  • explore ways to identify and deal with common barriers to achieving goals.

These are key skills that once learned have applicability across both business and life situations.


Ok, sounds good, so what’s involved?

Day 1

1. Introduction to Effective Communication Skills


• What is a communication process?

• Different communication styles

• How to effectively communicate both verbally and non-verbally when dealing with a variety of different personal styles e.g., Dominant, Amiable etc.

• How do you communicate: Self-assessment


2. What is persuading?

• Using behavioural styles to persuade more effectively

• Powerful persuasion strategies


3. What is influencing?

• Building rapport and trust

• Weapons of influence


4. An Introduction to Negotiation

  • What is negotiation (includes negotiation and agreement, situations, different types)
  • Defining your own negotiation style
  • The negotiation process
  • How to make the big ‘ask’
  • How to close the deal
  • How to deal with rejection
  • Gaining a ‘win-win’ situation


5. Conclusion

• How persuading, influencing and negotiation skills work together to achieve goals?

• How to handle challenging situations?



Day 2


1. How to best use and counteract a range of commonly seen negotiation tactics, ploys, and techniques.

• Identify the common styles negotiators adopt ranging from soft, hard through to principled or WIN WIN approaches

• Examination of what negotiators can face in their interactions with counter parts, recognising what is happening in real time and adapting their style to successfully overcome challenges

• Reflecting on and examining the range of techniques participants currently use and consider how they can be modified, added to, or acknowledged as best approach

• Key aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication which help give the right impression

• Discuss best styles for different types of scenarios & negotiators

• Questioning and listening skills reviewed


2. Developing your own “principled” negotiation style, adaptable to changing circumstances.

• Discussion on what principled negotiation involves

• Considering key changes to participants current approach/style to make them more principled

• WIN –LOSE to WIN –WIN negotiation


3. Opportunity to practice your skills in a series of role-play scenarios on which you will receive constructive feedback from trainer and fellow learners.

• Participants will be given practical affirmative and developmental feedback throughout the day as well as being able to partake in Q & A sessions. This is a key part of Day 2 and of the skills and learning transfer element of the programme.

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