In this issue
Cork Regional Chambers elect Ms. Maura Hunter as Chair
Subsidised Training
Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?
The New Digital Reality
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2015 in association with EY
Cork Company of the Year Awards - Launch Event
Chamber Supported Events
The Startup Gathering 2015
International Opportunities for Your Business
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The Startup Gathering 2015
Date: October 5th - 10th 2015

The Startup Gathering 2015 is Ireland’s first ever extended series of events over the entirety of a week, celebrating Ireland’s growing startup community.  It will also focus on raising the profile of Ireland internationally to entrepreneurs, investors and R&D teams around the world.  It is seen as a key building block towards making Ireland a global startup hub by 2020 and aims to promote entrepreneurship and help develop world class regional startup hubs to accelerate the growth of startups and scaleups in Ireland.

To date over 350 events have been recorded, with more than 50 events planned across the Cork region during the first week of October including idea generation, a hackathon, a startup weekend, designer dojo workshop, speed networking, the Launch of the IIBN in the South West, a venture academy, competitions, prizes and much more.

A Full listing of events is available on The Startup Gathering 2015 APP free of charge from the APP Store or here  

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