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International Opportunities for Your Business

Research & Innovation Conference & Exhibition 2015, 25th February, Aviva Stadium, Dublin

The inaugural Innovate Ireland 2015 Conference & Exhibition will bring together key influencers and decision makers from government, industry and academia; enabling business people to meet with key influencers and enablers to advance the agenda of placing Ireland at the heart of Horizon 2020. The conference aims to let businesses share information and inspiration about innovation and it will help to bridge the gap between researchers and the commercial marketplace. The conference will focus on the areas of food, pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, ICT, engineering, financial, gaming and social media.

The conference is being supported by the Industry Research and Development Group (IRDG), Enterprise Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland, Knowledge Transfer Ireland, InterTradeIreland and the Irish Research Council.

Speakers include Denis Hayes, IRDG; Ian Collins, EY; Damien English, TD, Minister for Skills, Research & Innovation; Dr Hubert Henry, Bord na Móna; Dr Seán McCarthy, Hyperion; Dr Rory O’Shea, UCD; Dr Darrin Morrissey, SFI; John Shaw, CIO, Kingspan Group PLC; Dr Pat O’Riordan, Glanbia; Dr Barry Fennell, KTI; Sergio Fernandez Ceballos, National Delegate / NCP for Horizon 2020; Richard Stokes, DCU; Denis O’Leary, ESB and Declan Troy, Teagasc. 

To view a list of exhibitors, please click here. If you would like to register for the event, please click through the following link:  

Last Chance to Register for B2B Meetings at Ecobuild, 4th March, ExCel, London

Final registrations are now being accepted for a B2B matchmaking session which is taking place at Ecobuild on 4th March. Ecobuild is at the forefront of sustainable design, construction and energy for new builds, refurbishments, commercial and domestic buildings. The Enterprise Europe Network is pre-arranging one-to-one meetings, whereby visitors and exhibitors alike can find potential commercial and technology partners from all over Europe.

The focus of the Ecobuild matchmaking event will be on:

  • Sustainable design;
  • Innovative and efficient eco-technologies;
  • New building and materials and technologies;
  • Systems and equipment using energy from alternative sources.
Currently, a total of 189 companies have registered for the matchmaking event and these companies come from 18 different countries. To view the online catalogue companies which have registered to date, please click here. For further information, please contact
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