National Employment Week
National Employment Week: On February 25th, Cork Chamber attended the launch of National Employment Week in the Clarion Hotel. National Employment Week is a private sector initiative which focuses on social and economic issues surrounding employment in Ireland. Recognising the challenges associated with job creation, this week is designed to encourage all stakeholders to take an active role. Employer events are being held nationwide and focus on a sharing of best practice, on topics which include Attracting Talent through Social Media, Developing Graduate Programmes and Acquiring Talent to meet FDI demand, which companies can take back to their business and implement immediately. The week concludes with the launch of an inaugural National Jobseekers Day on Friday 1st March. This will include the launch of a unique online resource centre providing insightful career advice, tips direct from Ireland’s top employers, step by step jobseeker toolkits and video tutorials. Further information can be found at