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Carrigtwohill Open Gardens

The CAA opened their very first service centre for adults with autism at Greenville House in Carrigtwohill in 1991. 14 clients now avail of residential care in Greenville which is based on a home away from home, home for life principle. Thanks to corporate funding they have developed a sensory garden at the centre to cater for the sensory needs of their clients. They welcome the public along to the official opening of these gardens on July 4th. The grounds of Greenville are beautifully kept by their horticulture team who also provide one on one therapies with clients. The team who work from a large glasshouse grow many exotic and specialised plants and will be selling plants and pottery pieces on the day which have been produced at the centre.

The event is being kindly sponsored by Response Group and Hurleys Midleton SuperValu. The event will be signposted from Carrigtwohill town and tickets can be purchased on the day at Greenville House for €8. Entry fee will include tea/coffee and light refreshments and entry to both gardens.

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