CRU Publishes Consultation on Uisce Eireann’s Non-Domestic Tariff Framework Closing date: February 15th
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) recently published a consultation on Uisce Éireann's Non-Domestic Tariff Framework. You can find the consultation here.
The CRU asked Uisce Éireann to revise the framework for creating tariffs for non-domestic connections, incorporating current revenue and customer input data. The updated framework also aims to propose new trade effluent charging arrangements that offer stronger incentives to reduce pollutants and volume in Uisce Éireann's wastewater network, addressing shortcomings in the current arrangements.
Under the new proposed water and wastewater tariffs and the proposed bill capping, the following bill impacts would occur:
Annual bills for 91.6% (172,837) of non-domestic customers will increase by less than €250.
Annual bills for 4.3% (8,100) of non-domestic customers will increase by between €250 and €500.
Annual bills for 3.7% (6,986) of non-domestic customers will increase by between €500 and €5000.
Annual bills for 0.4% (702) of non-domestic customers will increase by €5,000 a year or more.
The above impacts will vary for reasons outlined in the consultation including usage, however as outlined above only the large users (which represent 0.4% of the 188,000 non-domestic customers affected) will face the highest increases. The CRU has engaged with Uisce Éireann to ensure there are measures in place to help customers mitigate bill increases. These measures include providing customers with information on how to conserve water, improve efficiency of water use and wastewater disposal.
It is important to note that as part of this consultation the CRU is also proposing to end any bill capping agreements by October 1, 2026.
If you have any feedback that can inform our submission on this consultation, please let us know by contacting